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The thought kept her up long after Percy had fallen asleep. Eventually she drifted off, exhausted from thinking about it so much. It was only a few hours later that she'd woken up to find Percy gone.

She followed the faint light from the kitchen and found him sitting at the table with a plate of cookies in front of him, Jason's notebook in his hands, and a glass of swirling water on the table. The water moved of its own accord, sometimes sloshing a bit over the side.

"Hey," Annabeth said quietly. Percy looked up from the notebook and smiled. The water stopped moving.

"Hi," he replied.

She took the notebook from his hands and placed it on the table, then slid into his lap. Her hands went to his cheeks as she pulled him close and kissed him.

"Is this what's keeping you up?"

Percy sighed and shook his head. "Not really. It's a lot of things, I guess. School almost being done, keeping up with Jason's projects, me and you."

Annabeth sucked in a breath. "Me and you?"

"We're so good right now. Everything is perfect. I just keep having these dreams of when we were apart and I get this feeling like...something bad is going to happen." He frowned and looked down at his hand, resting on Annabeth's knee. She reached down and laced their fingers together.

"You're not getting away from me," she whispered and pressed her forehead to his. The corner of Percy's lip quirked up. "Never again."

"Wow. I'm kind of romantic, aren't I?" He teased and she laughed, burying her face in his neck and breathing in his warm ocean scent.

"Yeah, Seaweed Brain. Totally romantic. Now, come kiss me on your mom's sofa bed in your Christmas pajamas, will you?"

He didn't need to be asked twice.

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now