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Annabeth was sitting on the porch with Chiron, sipping from a mug. She and Chiron exchanged a glance as he made his way up the porch steps and to his wife. Percy could smell the peppermint tea as he got closer. He bent down and pressed a kiss to her blonde head.

"Better?" He asked, sitting on the edge of rocking chair.

"Yes," she said, though she wrinkled her nose. "But weren't you supposed to be looking for a pair of shoes?"

"Oh." Percy frowned and looked down his splattered shoes. "I got...distracted." His ears turned red and he glanced at Chiron then turned away abruptly.

"I'm going my parents. Let them know we made it." He looked between the two of them again, feeling like he was missing something.

Percy hadn't gotten very far into the house before there was a yelp, a puff of smoke, and the lingering scent of grapes. Annabeth and Chiron rushed into see Percy hanging from his bare feet, tangled in a web of vines in front of an angry looking Mr. D.

"Did you not hear what I said, Jackson? Clean shoes!" He yelled before tossing Percy out on the front lawn. Annabeth rushed down the steps to make sure he was okay, but when she got there Percy was already getting to his feet with a smug grin on his face.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Annabeth frowned as she slipped her arm through his.

"He got my name right."



"Right?" Percy flopped onto the big bed and patted the space next to him, raising his eyebrows in what he hoped was a seductive manner but it just made Annabeth laugh.

She obliged and curled into him, breathing in his saltwater scent and closing her eyes as he wrapped her up in his warm embrace.

"It's kind of weird," she whispered after a moment.

"Oh, totally weird. I'll be sleeping fully clothed on top of the covers, if you need me," he said with his lips to her forehead.

Annabeth smiled, closed her eyes, and let the hum of the ocean (where was it even coming from?) lull her to sleep.

When she woke up, Percy was gone. She didn't dream, which wasn't too out of character these days. She and Percy didn't go on quests much anymore and there didn't seem to be too much impending doom either. Still, what Chiron had said made her nervous. And she was feeling queasy again.

"Hey," Percy's voice startled her from her thoughts. "Nice nap?"

"You left," she said through a yawn.

"Sorry, you know I can't resist a good battle." He grinned and Annabeth realized this his purple shirt was ripped, dirty, and seemed to be smoking in some parts. Percy pulled the shirt over his head and tossed it in the corner, then tried to flatten his dark hair.

Annabeth raised her eyebrows.

"What?" He asked nervously, his hand going to his chest.

"Sorry, you know I can't resist you, Seaweed Brain."

Percy leapt onto the bed, landing on his feet and jumping up and down, causing Annabeth to shriek loudly.

"Gods, Percy! No! I'm going to be sick!" She yelled through her laughter, though she was clutching her stomach.

Percy stopped and belly flopped next to his wife. She had one hand on her stomach and the other arm draped over her reddened face. Her hair was fanned out on the white comforter and Percy's breath caught in his throat for the second time since they'd arrived. Gods, she was beautiful. He leaned over and pulled her hand away so he could kiss her. She obliged for a moment, before abruptly pushing him away, jumping off the big bed, and running to the bathroom.

He stared at the door after she slammed it, confused. Then he laid back, closed his eyes, and thought about dinner.

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now