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When I got pregnant with Percy, I wasn't much older than you. I just knew, though. I knew that my life was going to change. That it was going to be so hard, but so very worth it."

"You were all alone." Annabeth shook her head sadly. "I just hope that Percy...I just hope he'll be happy."

"Oh, my darling girl. He will be. Percy will be whatever you need him to be, you know that."

"I know," Annabeth sniffed. "But I want him to be happy because he's happy. Not because I want him to be happy."

Sally laughed again and pulled Annabeth into her arms, right there on the street. She held her daughter-in-law close and stroked her hair. Annabeth let herself be comforted for a moment before she pulled away and tried to pull herself together.

"He will be happy because of him. I know he will. After...after the two of you fell," Sally took a deep breath before she continued, "he talked about it, you know. A family. A family with uou."

Annabeth took a shaky breath. There were so many things they had to say to each other after Tartarus; after Gaea. She knew that Percy wanted a family. She knew the deepest desires of his heart. They'd talked plenty about their future in New Rome, whether or not they'd come back to New York, where their jobs might take them. It was just the fact that it was all happening right now that was scaring her.

"I don't know how to tell him," she said softly.

"You've never had a problem telling my son like it is, Annabeth Chase. I think you'll do just fine."

With that, Sally put her arm around Annabeth's shoulders and led her back to the apartment. They stopped at a little street car for hot cocoa, bringing some back for everyone else, and Annabeth felt a little better. As much as she was worried about Percy, she was also worried about how Sally would react. Her mother-in-law seemed just fine, though. Annabeth couldn't help but think of Poseidon's and Athena's reactions. That made her grin so wide that, when she walked in the door, Percy eyed her suspiciously.

"Did you kill something while you were gone?" He whispered, taking the hot chocolate from her and kissing her cheek.

"What? No!"

"Oh. Sometimes you smile like that after you win a sparring match or kill a monster. I was just wondering." Percy shrugged, trying not to laugh.

"I do not!" Annabeth laughed, but she couldn't help but think it was actually true. She did feel particularly smug about marrying Percy and, now, having his baby. Their godly parents were not going to be too happy about it.

She really couldn't care less.

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now