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What it was, of course, was her husband. It's just Percy, she thought. He was sitting on one of the steps with his arms propped up on his knees. His back was to Annabeth, but she could see he was shivering. She sighed and made her way to him, but when she got closer Annabeth realized that Percy wasn't shivering. He was crying.

"Percy?" She rested her hand on his shoulder and he glanced up, quickly wiping his face. Annabeth sat down and handed him his coat, but he didn't take it. Instead her pulled her into his arms, as close as he could get in their awkward position on the steps.

"Oh, gods. I'm sorry. That is not how I should have reacted. I'm so sorry," he said before slipping his hands behind her neck and pulling her into a quick, hard kiss. Annabeth could taste his salty tears and when he pulled away her face was wet too.

"Percy, it's okay-" she started, but he held a hand up and stopped her.

"No. I just...I've been thinking so much about the past and I've been so scared of losing you to something stupid and this whole time..." his voice broke and he rested his head on her shoulder, his own shoulders shaking again. Annabeth took the moment to drape the coat over him and she felt his arms wrap around her waist. He lifted his head, enough to bury his face in her neck and press a kiss to the skin exposed there.

"I love you so much, Annabeth," he whispered to her before pulling back to meet her eyes.

"Gods, I was really hoping you'd say that," Annabeth sighed and closed her eyes, resting her forehead against his.

"I'm such an idiot." His arms tightened around her.

Annabeth shook her head and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You're not...but I'm so scared, Percy. I don't even know what just happened in there. It's only just now become real."

Percy reached up and rested a hand on her arm and smiled. "I'm pretty sure what just happened means we're going to have a pretty powerful kid, Wise Girl."

She nodded and let her arms drop from around Percy's neck. He caught her hands in his and brought them to his lips, his eyes on hers.

"Can I..." Percy cleared his throat and rested their hands on his knees, his fingers gripping hers tightly. His knee bounced nervously and Annabeth had to laugh.

"You nervous, Seaweed Brain?"

Percy pulled a hand away and ran it through his hair. He blew out a breath and opened his mouth, but nothing came out.


He sighed and rolled his eyes, then held a hand in her direction, hoping she'd get the point. Annabeth's eyes stung with tears and she bit her lip, to keep from laughing or crying, she couldn't tell which. She took his hand and pulled him close, their heads close together as their hands rested over Annabeth's stomach.

"Hi," Percy whispered and Annabeth smiled.

"Hi back." She kissed his hair and breathed him in, the scent of the sea soothing her.

Percy pulled back again, his eyelashes wet with tears, but he didn't care. After Tartarus he didn't care who saw him showing emotions. Annabeth had seen the best and worst of him and now that he was going to be a was only going to happen more.

"I've been thinking..."

"In the five minutes that you've learned this new information?"

"Shut up, Chase." Percy rolled his eyes. "You've known longer than me-"

"Only by a few days!" She protested.

"Since we got to camp and you puked on my shoes?" Percy asked with a smirk.

Annabeth shuddered. "Yes. And then Chiron..."

"What about him?"

"Nothing, really. Just that he felt a...powerful force or something. It sounded kind of Star Wars-y and weird."

Percy grinned. "That's my kid."

This time Annabeth rolled her eyes. "You were saying something?" She asked expectantly. Percy glanced at their hands and took a deep breath.

"If it's a boy..." he trailed off, tears welling up in his sea green eyes.

"Then his name will be Jason," Annabeth said softly.

"Yeah?" Percy looked up with the hint of a smile.

"Yeah, Seaweed Brain." She reached up and smoothed his hair. "I miss him too."

"He'd probably hate it," Percy mused. "Too much acknowledgement or something. Worst Son of Zeus ever."

Annabeth laughed quietly and nodded, then rested her head on Percy's shoulder.

"I love you," she whispered. Percy kissed her hair.

"I don't know how you're going to beat this gift next year..."

A Drop Of The Ocean - ( Percy Jackson Fanfiction)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now