•𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 162 🥀

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Y/N's POV, March 16th 1990

Nine days since the video shoot and we were now back on the road, it had been as it had before, enjoyable. Sure it was starting to get a little repetitive but that didn't take away from the enjoyment of it.

Everyday we met up with the other guys, depending on how long we were at one particular location and how much spare time we found ourselves with Nik and I went out and explored local areas, sometimes we took one of the other guys with us- that had been a tour tradition for a while.

I could never get tired of the other guys' company, it was never that which got repetitive it was the constant moving around and being tired for long periods of time without proper sleep. I'd never stop loving being on tour though.

Life the last few days had been good though when it comes too being around the friends I care about the most and my husband, I did have a few questions over something however and that something was Nikki's behaviour, he wasn't acting weird per say but it was like he had something on his mind whenever we were alone but was too apprehensive about it to ask, it has been this way the last few days and I was yet to quiz him on it.

I will in the next couple of days if he doesn't loosen his tongue himself and tell me, patience was something you had to have with Nikki, although I was the one person he totally wouldn't lose his shit at if pushed to talk I still don't want to make him uncomfortable.

We were backstage preparing for a show, it was about an hour until their set was due to start but we'd all got ready early, Mick was on the phone to Emi on a phone down the corridor and Vince had gone AWOL, probably screwing someone- he always manages to find some slut hanging around and Tommy, as far as I believe he was outside smoking.

It was just Nik and I in the dressing room then, I was just finishing my look for the night off and Nikki was just slipping into his pants, I fixed my eyes on Nikki as I applied some lipstick, side glancing him from the mirror I was stood at, he had that pensive look again.

Fuck it. I'm gonna question him on it now while we're alone because it's driving me insane.

"Is everything okay, Nikki?" I asked as I gave myself one final once over in the mirror, checking my lipstick and overall attire not beating around any bushes "You've seemed a little lost for days."

"Everything's fine, I'm not lost." He murmurs as he fastened his belt "I've been mulling over."

"What exactly have you been mulling?" I enquired picking up my bottle of water from the dressing table a foot or so from me and placed it against my lips waiting an answer from Nikki and boy, did I get one.

"When do you want to have kids?" Nikki asks suddenly making me almost choke on my water because that wasn't what I'd expected him to bring up.

"That's a b-bit out the blue don't y-you think?" I said raising an eyebrow coughing slightly, tearing my eyes from myself in the mirror and looking at my husband.

He shrugs "Eh, I guess... I know it's a random thing to ask and it's not something you usually talk about like this but I've just been unable to remove it from my mind the last few days... you-... you still want kids with me, right?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Don't know." Nik mumbles sitting down on the dressing table beside me messing with his leather pants "We haven't really spoke about it recently."

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