Chapter 5

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"Bella" Carlisle and Edward wispered in awe.i keeped my carm face exspression.i stood next to Aro, who put an arm around me.whiched caused Edward to growl.

"you have seen her, now would you like to leave?" Marcus said sitting up stratier in his throne.

Alice ignored the question, and stepped forward still staring in amazment and fear. "What happened to you" she asked but i ignored the quetion

"Bella ,i don't mean to be rude but what are you" Carlisle said staring at my hair. 

"I knew that question would come,but why would i tell you that?"i said toying with my hair, which it slightly shimmer in the light.I turned to Aro "Aro you may tell them my story but i will leave, to go to my room because i can't beard it anymore in here with this so-called family."i said.

"Of corce,it must be hard to see them as they left you all alone" Aro said, i felt eyes on my back as i walked out the door.


"Sit down then"i said gesturing to the floor, they sat down.

i started the story " the volturi were on our way back here , but then we heard screaming so we desided to follow the voice, we ended in a cave was saw two figuers, one of them was a red head vampire standing ove a bearly alive girl, i took pity on the girl, and we distroyed the red head, but when we turned to the girl she was on the edge of a bank of a river, it had two fish in it, one a pitch blace and he other was a pure white and they were glowing slightly. i asked the girl what her name was,she said bella,i could tell she was dying slowly, she was almost off the edge when we asked what she was doing, she replyed that the fish was spirets and they could give life to some one who is inches to death like her self, and then she pluned in to the water, the white fish and the black fish came towards her as soon as it touched her. she began to glow and white light appered.we watch as her hair began to whiten, a few moment later her hair was pure white, the light got too bright to see when we could see, she looked like a goddess when she was out the water, but then she collaped ot the floor, we took her here, were she woke up, i questined her a bout her life and she told me, we offered that she stayed, she said yes, we found out that she had powers of her own, shes faster and stronger than the normal vampire, she can go invisable and control the element of water" i said finishing the story.

Esme began to sob slightly, they all looked upset of what they caused.

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