Chapter 20

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i sturred and opened my eyes, there in front of me were three huge wolves standing around me, instantly i shot up in to a crouch, my hand on my stomach protectively, i growled softly at them. i looked directly in to they eyes of a russet-brown wolf, it reminded me of jacob, the dark brown. at that moment lots more burst through the trees, all the three wolves turned, it gave me a chance to run but they soon aught up with me. i punched a tree, hopefully to slow one down, i dizzy feeling spread threw me, i knew i was going to fall. i put both of my hands on my stomach, my foot caught my cloths, i tumbled to the floor, then to darkness.

i woke up again to voices,around me. my eyes fluttered open,in the room there was a man in a weel chair and two standing up next to him. i reconised them easily, it was billy black, jacob black and sam urly, i hated sam, and now i hate jacob. i growled at them, all their heads snapped to me, i leped backwards off the couch i was on in to a crouch, my hair fell down alone my back, i looked around the room, there was a tiny stream by the houst i could only just see. all around the house there were wolves every were, how meny were there? my head snapped back towards jacob, billy and sam. "what are you called" this was jacob, "don't you reconises me jacob black" i gave him a glare i gave him when i was a full human, reconisian filled his face, he took some steps back but tripped over the weel chair. "B-bella" i never heard him stutter before." took you long enough " i muttered coldly, billy and sam looked shocked."how on earth ...." he was looking at me wide eyes, i cocked my head to the side. "Whats the matter scared of the girl you left all ALONE with no one to help her when she nearly died, some friend you are" i taunted, pain flashed thought his face. i smerked, and stratened up in to a standing position.

"What, don't you like the truth" my eyes narrowed, i took a deep breath but almost gagged, there was strong wet dog smell in the room, it hit me like a ton of bricks, werewolves. my fists clenched, "why is you hair white, it was brown when i last saw you." Sam walked closer, i growled involitery at him which caused him to stop in his track. "long story" "we have time" i walked slowly back to the couch and sat down, sam, jacob and billy sat infront of me "what do you know of the moon, its more than just a ball thats flotes in space" i folded my arms cross my stomach, they said nothing so i carried on. "well i went walked in to a cave, in sid there was two fish, not ordnary fish, thay are also known as ying and yang, push and pull, day and night" relisation filled billys face, but i ignoded him. "Well i was in the cave when victoria came in and nearly beat the life out of me" jacob winced, "she was standng over me when the volturi came, thay are the law layers of the vampire world, thay ditroyed victoric because the leader took pity on me, i went in to the water and the white one, gave pat of it self so i could live, thats why my hair is white and thats why in tecnity immortal," i shrugged and rubbed my tummy automaticly. they all looked at me, "What?" i turned invisable after 1 minuet, they all blinked and looked around, "done staring"i made my self visable again. "You have powers" i nodded "I can control water, im faster and stronger than the normal vampire and i can turn invsabal" that might have been too much info but i didn;t realy care, out sid there was howl, instantly bevery one was out side eseped billy, "Whats happening" i said. "Theres a nother vampire on our turf"some one must be looking for me "i'll go and see ho it might be" and with that i left before any one could say more. i ran around, there was a lash of blonde,jane was in front of me. there was a few moments of scilnce,"BELLA"i was almost cushed in her hug before i pushed her away, "What?" i patted my stomach, she got the thing strate away, "No way" she joked, i just looked at her, "your serious" i nodded, jane hugged me again, i smiled.

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