Chapter 10

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i was holding esme, she was in a right state, she haden't stopped sobing for hours. after a while there was scilence.

"Shes never going to forgive us is she?" Esme asked, i honistly didn't know

"I don't know i just don't know" i said embracing esme,i never thought bella would say such a thing to rosalie or esme.

"she was right" Esme blurted out suddenly, i jumped slightly

"About what" i was confused.

"A family should never abandon a family member" instanly i felt guilt and sorrow, i didn't know what our leaving caused but i knew she would be hurt, but never knew she would be this hurt to run away from where she lived. her words ecoed in my head, she didn't even have anyone to turn to, even her best friend got tired of her and left, what did edward say to here to break her heart. All bella did was smerk at our frustrated, broken beyond a doctors help, she said. and bella temper was defently short with us, when the glass shattered and water went every where but she obviously didn't care, all of it eveporated in her anger. we were all afraid. i closed my eyes.


i coudent belive it , she made my rose cry, we still heard the rest of the coversation, she was even cruel to esme. but edward needed a telling off anyway.but them bella ran a way, all thay found of her was here sent leading into a river,but no sent leaving in any direction. i thought of bella as a little sister.

"What have we done"i said out loud rose looked at me with no happieness in her beautiful features.

"What?" she asked a little confused

"We should have never have left bella, then she would never have been like this" i sighed, lying back down in the bed.

"Yeah mabey, but i never knew she would be cuel to Esme, but edward needed a telling off" rose said playing with hair slightly, i sighed hopfully she would for give us.


i sighed i quite like being alone, nice and peacful. i didn't have a bed because insted of sleeping i meditate on a rug which was was made of ice, i didn't freeze so i was safe, i played my flue, so it ecoed through the room.i put my flue down and sat cross legid on my mat if ice. i thought of my past and peacfull things that keped me carm. then suddenly i heard a smash, i tured to the noise, thay had found me. without thinking i grabbed my bag and made and ecsape route through the ice, and blocking it behind me, then filled the room with  water, it flowed over my head, i sat cross legid in the water, and closed my eyes, i kew they would find me in the end, i wanted a more dramatic finding,they shall find me in ice, i froze the water a round me and i span in to darkness.

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