Chapter 8

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i was in my room,in my night gown,my hair down and strate. there was a knock at the door,

"Who is it?"i said knowing they would hear it

"The Cullens" came Edwards voice

"Go Away"i shouted at them.

"No" came edward reply.

"If you don't go, i'll have jane on you" i said and picked up my hair brush and started to brush my hair.

"I know you won't"Edward said amused, this made me mad, i got up, and went to the door and opened it, he was standing in the door way, with smile.the rest of the cullens looked a little fearful att my face exspression.

"What do you want" i said with discust in my voice.

"To appolagyes to you"he said standing up strate

"Well your too late for that.......2 and a half years too late" i said walking a way from the door.i saw him wince slightly, i smerked, the cullens entered my room.

"Bella were sorry"

"Bella were sorry" i  mimiked Alices voice perfectly .

"Bella" Esme said shocked. it was quite injoyable watching the cullens get upset.

"What?" i asksed innosently, i turned my head to Esme, she winced slightly at my face.

"Were trying to talking to you" Carlisle said in a hard tone, i smiled,

"But im not liserning" i said sittling down in front of my mirror, there was a glass of water by the mirror and drank some.

"Bella please" Rosalie said

"Oh so to do have a voice then, such a shame you use it for saying the wrong things " i said harshly, i made rosalie cry tearlessly.

"Here come the non-exsistant water works" i added, and with that roaslie disappered, emmett behind her. i laughed out loud.

"Bella that was horribel thing to say" Esme scolded

"You are NOT my mother." i said, Esme face creased with pain of my words and began to sob, Carlisle huged her, he was getting cross i could see it in his eyes.

i had a short temper. the glass of water exsploded next to me water flowed to the floor and on to me but i didn't care.

"Your family bella"  jasper growled

"No im not, a family doesn't abandon a brother or sister, son or daughter"

Esme began to sob harder in to Carlisle's shoulder. i was getting angry they could all see it. my fist clenched in to a ball.i closed my eyes to carm down, even jasper couldn't help.

"Please listen to u-" alice started but i butt in

"No i will not listen. you" i pointed to edward" left me, i was shatterd beyond repair, no doctor or peson could help, Evan jacob got tired of me and left me, he ecoed your words, i am shattered on the inside no on the outside, then victoria showed up, nealy beating the life out of me while you were running aroud as if i never existed, if the volturi didn't show up i would be dead.                          i might not be human but im still a person with feelings, so tread carefuly" my eyes flashed dangerosly.

"Im Sorry" Edward mumbled

"SORRY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH, EDWARD , I RAVER BE DEAD THAN JOIN YOU AGAIN, WAS I LIKE A TOY FOR YOU, THAT YOU THROW A WAY BROKEN, HOW MENY EDWARD, HOW MENY HAVE DIED IN YOU NAME" I shouled, the water around me boiled and began to evaporate in the air. Aro, marcus and caius had now joined in my room to see what the comotion was about. the cullen looked at me in fear at my temper. " I EVEN BEGGED YOU TO COME BACK, BUT YOU NEVER DID, AND WHEN YOU LEFT LOVE TURNED TO HATE. DO YOU THINK ITS EASY O BE ALONE AND FALLING APART" I was crying now, big silver tears rolled down my cheeks as i took a step towards then. i was so angry jasper looked afraid of me and so did evey one else in the room.

"Never underestermate me Edward Cullen , it can be the last thing you do" and with that i ran out of the castle, people diving out my way. i ran in to the forest and to a river, i jumped in, it felt nice to be the water, i held my breath and swam under the water,( i can hold my breath for as long as i want) i went to and under water cave, once i was in i swam up, my head broke the surfae into a big cave, full of my stuff i had put their if i needed to stay over. i got out and froze the pool to stop entery from that way, not that any one knew it was their, i was just be causous. i looked at my new home.

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