Chapter 27

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me and storm went out side to the courtyard, its were mama trains her self with aunt jane and the others. me and storm liked to show off. i looed up to mamas room, she had sealed her window again, i pouted but turned to storm who was looking at mams window, i throw a small sheild(foce feild could do any thing i want) to he back of his head. "OW" he wipped round, he throw an ice ball to my face but i easily blocked it with my sheild, he could be so stupid some times. i dropped my sheild, around aro and marus and some of the cullend had left the throne room, they were wet all over. i laughed, suddenly i was throne back in ice, now storm was laughing. slowly from the inside i pushed my sheild around my skin and exspaned it. the ice smashed away. storm stopped laughing. i made a movement as if to swat a fly but the water in the founting jumped out and froze around him. i cracked a smile. Around us people started to watch us as we play fought, well me and storm needed to train for the possiblw war.

i drew out a ball of water from the fountin. i curved it in to a heart shaped, it looked pretty.  i added more water to it and lowed it to the ground. mabey i could do differnt shapes.  i morphed the water in to a giant wolf what mama told us abouta few days ago. it looked perfect. i turned it solid and turned to the half frozen storm. "Ok sis with out you shield this time" he grumbled removing his feet from the ice. i rolled my eyes, might as well. "Fine but don't use th moiving objects one either" i slipped in to a crouch, thats what the others did when they fight. i jumped up in the air and laded behind storm and kicked him in to the fountin. i let out a giggle. a drop of water fell on my head, i looked up. it was raining. went inviable and ran around the courtyard.

The water in the fountin spread on the floor and over my feet. oopps he could see me. it froze. i made my self visable and broke out the ice. "You can't catch me" i giggled and ran around him in circles, zig zags and all over the place. storm stayed in his place. i jumped on to his back  nd put my arm around his neck. "I win brother" he groned in defeat. i laughed and jumped away. i ran to grampa Aro. i pressed my hand to his cheek. can i see mama now i pleaded in his head. grampa sighed. "I don't know lily, maby you can help her. if i go in she'll chuck me trough a few walls" he looked thoughtfull for a few moments then shuddered. i nodded and backflipped out of grampa aro's arms. i loved doing backflips there fun. i started doing backflips and cartweels around the place. but i slowly made my way to mamas room.

i knocked gently after i melted the ice. "Mama" i called through the door, no answer. i opend the door. mama was a sleep on her bed, her face tear stained. i closed the door gently so not to wake her up. i climed round the side of he bed and pulled my self on to it, i was high very high but i succedded on getting up. i crawed next to her and layed down. mama looked so peacfull a sleep.  i pulled the covers around us to keep us warm. i closed my eyes

Storms POV

i lost again i hate it whan that happens. i kicked some ice. i evaorated in midair. shes always winning. "don't be a sore losser storm. your just like felix" i glared at uncle alec. he was laughing. i trew water at him and froze it like mama did. just what de diserved. i truged through my home and in to mams room, lily was a sleep like mama. they looked sweet. i closed the door and sealed it shut with ice and sat down at the desk. mama like to draw in her spair time. mamas a good drawer, she drew he whole of the voluri and us in cluded, were were just babies then but we just looked cute. i shuffled through the others,me, lily aro, jane, alec, felix,heidi, herself, marcus caius, and demitri. and there were lots of me and lily, when we were a few days old to what we look like now. i pulled out a plin peice of paper and a pencil. and started to draw. mama ue to go over them with ink so it looked beautiful. a natural artist mama is.

i looked at the inshed product of my work. i was about to scruch it up when a hand took it from my grasp. i looked up. mama was a wake."you okay now mama" i stood on my chair and hugged mama."yes now sweetie, i just ge angry at seeing them again after what he did, thats cut my temper short, but im usaliy a happy bunny" i giggled mama was funny. she smilied and picked me up. "This is goog storm, and don't scruch it up i like it" mama looked at the pencil line. some how i didn't like the way the wolf was standing. i shrugged and sighed. i playd with mamsas hair, it was so shiney and white like mine. but she wasn't born like we were wih it, it had to come from some were. "Mama why do we have white hair, all the other children don't but we do, and you couldn't have been born with it eiher becaue it you said your real parients didn't have white hair" i looked up at mama with big eyes, she was biting her lip. "Well storm, lily its about tm i told to my story about my past" mama never told us her past. she put us on her bed, she sat cross legid in front of us.    "5 and a half years ago..." me and lily sat still listen carfully.

once mama was done. i was still frozen, so me and liliy are connected with the moon, no wonder were stronger at full moon or why we have powers. no wonder people wan her, "is that why the fire people are coming, becauce they know we're part of he moon itself" i looked up to mama. she was looked down. "They don't know about you" she looked at me with the most sad exspression i've seen. i hugged her she needed it. "I don't wan you to go mama"i pleaded. "I won't go" mama was stubon like lily, maby thats were lily inherited it from. lily joined in with the hugging we all needed it.


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