Chapter 31

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"How do you know about me?" i ignored his question, i would answer that when the time is right. "well. you could say it was written as a prophasy in one of our oldest books in the great liberly. it told us a girl of 18 years of age would become the moon spiret's daughter. they don't usally give life to another unless they personly think it right to. in the prophesy you would have been living with vampires for the rest of you life. since you are part of the moon you a mostly immortal. but you are powerful. very powerful. i want you to join us or shoul ou let your family die" jeez he knew a lot. and since when did a book have to do with any thing. as for my family.....

i clenched my fists, why do they have to threaten everyone. "NO" "NO" he question surprised "thats what i said" i put an innosent face on."Oh and theres no point distroying the city theres hardly any one here." which is true the others had run for it. "i know, when i enteneted it was bare but not for you vampire friend who we can easily distroy." he seemed to think he was winning but i had a plan up my sleeve. "but they are faster than you, pff i don't maybe a couple hundred miles per minuet" i raised my eyebrow at him. "yes your right they are faster but can easily be distroyed by our flame" instanly i made some ice from the ceailing fall on to every lit touch in the room. "what flame?" i said amused. he smilied faided from his face but gained a furious exspresstion. on his belt he pressed a big red button. the fireing signal.

"RUN BELLA RUN" i didn't know who shouted but i ran anyway. i wasn't a coward, i never will be. but in this case i had to run, i wasn't afraid to die, i just don't want the fire people to gain what they want most. behind me crashed in the city could be heard. they had started. the clifs were tha safest spot to go. i took a sharp left through the forest. it would night when i probly get there. Its a couple of thousands miles away, if theu came after me then thely be hear shortly.

XXXXXXXXXX Near the cliffs at nightXXXXXXX

 i waited for them to arrive. i wasn't at the edge, i was going to make a seen. i looked up at the full moon. it was beautiful. mostly because of its never ending colour of pureity. out of nowhere a ball of flames narrowly missed my foot. i did get slightly burnt.

i wipped was the leader and his guard. i ran at a human pace(i don't know why) i doged a few more. the ground nearly dissapered from under me. i turned so i was facing the army that were advancing. Jane, Carlisle, Edward and Esme appered and gasped but stayed quiet. i felt something stur in side of me. this had happened to me before. When i had jumped out the window. it was getting harder to breath slightly. the leader stepped forward with a grin. "End of the line Bella. Theres no way out" i small smile spread on my face. "But theres always a way out" i raised my arms then fell backwards off the cliff edge.

Instanly i heard my name being screamed over and over gain by all tha vampires that saw. i hit the icy cold water of the i hit the sea bed my head felt like it was exsploding, i wa  blinded by a pure white light. this time i wasn't in control

EsmePOV (from when they get to the cliff with jane, carlisle and edward)

we stopped. we were by a cliff. bella was on the edge, everyone gasped. either she goes with them all falls, i wanted neither, she was still a daugheer to me. "End of the line. bella, theres no way out" a small smile creped on her face, why is she smiling for. "But theres always a way out" she raised her arma anf fell backwards of he cliff edge. "BELLA" we all screamed in reunion and ran to the edge. it was like we were watching it in slow motion as bella fell. she had her eyes closed as she hi the water.

As soon as the water came still. it stared to bubble anf throth, white light appered as well.Suddenly  we were (Jane,Carlisle,Edaward and me) sent into a tree by an invisable force. the trees strangle wrapped us in its branches. this was not normal.  at the bottem of the cliff, the water was rocking back and thourth. Bella sht up into the sky far from the edge of the cliff her hair and eyes glowing a bright pure white. her hair and cloths swerledaround her as if she was still in the water. she was laughing slightly. This was not a laughing matter. she raided her hands slowly. the sea water rised like a huge tidal wave, higher and hight it went, it was probliy as long as 4 fields if you measured it but as hight wise, it was like a tsunami.

"RETREAT, MAXIMUM RETREAT" most of the fire men were screaming at the leader but he stood his ground. "NO ITS WHAT SHE WANTS" he screamed back. the wave came closer and closer to them but he still stood there. what do they not get. we can survie this but humans can't. the men bagn to run into the forests. they knew what was going to happen. in the end the leader and soem others stayed. even trough the thick waters you could only just see bella. her hair and eyes glowly white with pureity and power. something i could never forget.

the wave hit the earth. i clung to the tree as if my life depened on it. the force of the water was so strong as well. in the water the men were swiming up but they were failing. drowing one by one untill the leader was last to water gushed back off the cliffs and into the sea. clearing all evidence that they had been here (Including all the bodys of the remading men)  into the sea. i ripped my way out of the tree and ran to the edge, looking up at bella. Edward and the others followed. the light faided from her hair, she closed her eyes, she fell form the sky. there wa no one close enough to catch her. she plunged in to the dark sea.

 i panicked. she won't be able to breath. Edward and Carlisle dived off the edge and plummeted to the ocean. Me and jane waited in painful scilence. i cheked my water logged watch surprisingly it was till working, it had been a few minuets. jane grabbed my wristed and looked at the time. Bella must have been a sister to her, some how the volturi guard had been very misunderstood to other vampires. jane was her childerns aunt after all. jane could never hurt a child who she knew.

We waited. and waited. i stared to panick now. could they find her. if myheart was beating it would have been out my chest already. some heads bobed on the surface. i shiged in relife but stpped then i saw the limp thing in their arms. Bella.


dur dur duuurr

a cliffy. i know you hate it but here it is.

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relax or wait in suspence. either way.


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