Chapter 16

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i walked (well jane walked holding my arms) around the castle, it felt nice having the cool air on my face, i took a deep breath. "its nice to be out, can i sit there" i pointed to the egde of the water fountin. she nodded and placed me down on the edge, "thank you"i peered in i was quite dirtly, i frowened at it, its usally quite clean, i looked up at jane, "can we do some thing interesting?" i did my best doe eyes at her, jane giggled wich sounded like bells. i smiled. "well......."jane started looking throughtful, "you don't know do you?" she shook her head, this time i giggled. i tried to stand, i slowly go to my feet wobbley. "i just want to see if i can walk , but you may need to catch me if i fall" in the corne of my eye i saw jane's hand hover ready.

 i took a small step farward, yes succsesful, i took another step but wobbled slightly, i took a third step and i stayed, i took some faster steps with out falling over, this time i began to run, i heard jane laugh, suddenly my foot caught he hem of my dress, i fell forward... i stopped a few inches from the wall, janes hands on my shoulders she pulled me back, " well that was interesting" i laughed out and so did jane, we were in fits of giggles. Aro followed by the cullens came out, they looked at our  laughing faces with confusion, "bella nealy ran into a wall" jane gasped out inbetween giggles, Aro laughed as well. i took a deep breath and sighed. i stood up, but wobbled slightly, "i realy need to work on standing" i huffed and walked away humming to my self, behind me i heard laughter and foot steps from jane. They must think im random. i headed for my room.


sorry this chapter so short, i ran out of idears at the moment.

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