Chapter 14

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i was in the darkness, suddenly, i felt a new power in side of me, i felt my heart rait pick up, but then i was blinded by this bright light, i felt alive for the first time in ages, i relt my self rising but i couldn't control it, like some one else was doing it for me, my feet hit the cold surface of volturra's floors and on to a leage, it struck me, i was on a window lege, i don't want this, i don't want to jump, the light began to fade but i could still setehe bright full moon, that was giving the power.

"Bella" i turned around, i could tell lots of people were here but i can't see, why can't i see?, i heard gasped but then i felt my legs bend, im going to jump, i flew bakwards with my arms sperd out, in fount evey rushed forward, i was supened in midare, one person got on to the window ledge but stopped suddenly.  "Bella can you hear us" i reconisted it,  was aro, i tried to answer but i felt my mouth move with another voice, "Volturra is breached....... others are coming" it was a warning othees were coming but i could't tell who was. pain beyond my imagination filled my head, it was tourcher, why can't it stop, my hands clamped to my head then i felt myself falling, whowevers power it was it was faiding quickly, arms Wraped aroung me but i continuned to sheak and scream in scilent agony, i hit the cool floor, the pain subsided, i fell in to darkness.

Carlisle POV

i sat in our bedroom, i was holding esme in my arms,all the rest of my family was in the room play a jicsaw and puzzles sine they didn't have meny electroice thinds for us to do, i sighed and started to rub esme arms, suddenlt we heard jane shout from bellas room, instanly we all what to see, we were met but a blinding light, "My eyes" emmett cryed covering his eyes at the same time as i did, when the light faided, i moved my hands, it was bellas hair.

Bella was on the window ledge ready to jump off, "Bella" jane said moving a little closer, bella turn around, every one gasped at the sight, bella 's eyes were glowing, she bent her knees, she was going to jump, she flew backwards 6 feet, we all ran forwards, jane even got on to the lege but was stopped going further by aro, "Bella can you hear us" she blinked, "Volturra is breached.......others are coming" her voic was differant and what others, pain flashed in her glowing features her hands clamped over her ears, she plumeted to the ground, jane dived o the ledge and caught her before she hit the ground, evey one leped ou the window in cluding us.

My feet hit the ground, bella was withering in pain and her mouth was open as if she was sceaming but no sound came, jane put her gently to the ground, she stopped almost imdeatly, Aro pushed passed us, bella's heart rate go to a more healther speed, "come on lets put her somewhere with out any windows.....incase" Aro shoved passed jane and picking bella up, jane and aro ran in to the castle, i turned to alice who was staring where bella had been lying. "Alice why don't you see if you can find any thing in the future on what bella said about others coming" she nodded and walked in to the castle at human pace with a throughtful, i put an arm around esme and walked in to the castle slowly.

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