Chapter 21

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Me and jane sat down on a dead tree that had fallen over, i was nice to talk to her alone. "bella when are you coming home?" jane said with the doe eyes, "im not sure, i don't want a cullen finding out and i just need some time away" jane pouted, i laughed, at that moment three wolves appered threw the trees. jane hissed i stood in front of her in a crouch, the pich black one came forward i growled at him, i knew it was sam. "you will leave her alone, she was looking for me, she won't hurt me " i glared at them. the russet-brown one, ran in tothe trees, a second later jacob in his human form came through, "how do you know that bella, shes on our land, she had to be distroyed" anger filled me.

"fine we shall leave YOUR land altogether" and with that i draged jane with me. i picked up my pace into a run because i could hear the wolves behind me, jane wasn't fast enough, i slung jane on to my back and sprinted through the forest, i was faster than the wolves, there was the treaty line, i ran over it and stopped a little way a way, my head was hurting, the wolves stopped at the line, but continued to growl at me and jane. my legs bucked under me, jane caught my arm, my head was pounding and my vision was bluring around the edges. "BELLA" "i fine, running makes me dizzy, and i dont want to go back to volturra at the moment, maby in a few months" i wispered, i was put on the ground gently, jane knelt down in front of me, "you sure bella" i noddedbut gained a hevy pounding in my head, jane slid her arm around my shoulders and one under my legs she picked me up behind me the were growls"Go away,  jacob, shes like a siser to me for the past three years" the end of my sentance was slowly traling off as i fell in to darkness.

Jacobs POV

i watched helplessly from the edge of the treaty line at bella who was going carried away with a blond leeach, i growled as it picked her up, bella seemed annoyed at me "Go away jacob, shes like a sister to me for the past three years" bella voice trailed off as she fell a sleep in the bloodsuckers arms, why did she all ways choose them, some day i think it might kill her.

Janes POV

i carried the sleeping bella, she must be tired mostly the whole pregrancey does that  to you i heard. i entered a near by hotel, there was a woman at the reseption, she looked surprised ," hello could i please have a room to put them in" the woman instanly stood up wih a pair of keys, "Them?" she quetioned as she walked away from the desk, i followed her in to a empty room " yes shes  pregrant" i layed her down gently on the bed, bellas tummy was stiking out a bit,  "Oh well tell her congratualtions, i hope shes well" and with that she left me alone with bella, i sat next to her, im going to be an aunt, i have to tell aro, i picked out my phone and didled his number, he answered on the first ring. "Hello jane" i smiled, " Hello Aro, is the cullens there...?" there was a pause "No they left a few days after bella went. why?" i paused for a moment before answering "Well to day i found bella" there was a sigh of relife at the end of the phone, " but i found out that shes pregrant" the was scilence, i carried on "well shes needs some time out of volturra for a few months so i was thinking that i could stay with her untill shes ready to come home...." i trailed off at the end. there was still scilence, "err aro, she doesn't what the cullens to know as well, edwards the father i think" at the other end of the phone i heard words that should not be heard around the castle, "Ok im going to hang up now bye" i pressed the end button.

Aros POV

i waited anxously at the phone for it to ring, as if by magic it rang, i answered it imadetly, "hello jane" i waied for a few moments "hello aro,is the cullens there" why would jane want the cullens,they left days ago,"No they left a few days after bella went, why?" there was a pause. "well i found bella" i sighed in relife jane carried on," but i found out that shes pregrant" i froze,hw is that even possible, jane carried on," well she needs some time out of volturra for a few months so i was thinkng that i could stay with her untill shes ready to come home"i was in shock still, "err aro, she doen't want the cullens to knowas well. edwards the father.. i think" i shouted words that shouldn't  be heard but i didn't care. "ok im going o hang up now bye" the line went dead. i stood there stock still, marcus and caius came in, "bellas pregrant" that stoped them in their tracks.

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