❤️ Sekido and Aizetsu 💙

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You're now done with Karaku and Urogi now its time to give them love

Aizetsu and Sekido: *Laying their head on her lap and hugging their plushie*

Y/n: *Caressing their hair*

Aizetsu: Nee-chan..

Y/n: Hm?

Aizetsu: Are you sure about giving me your plushie..? You know you didn't have to..

Y/n: Eh I'm fine with it! As long you guys are happy! That's the only thing that matters to me ^^

Aizetsu: Ok..

Y/n: Do you guys wanna do something together?

Sekido: You pick Ai

Aizetsu: Uhh..I can't think of anything..

Y/n: Hmm..you guys wanna go to the town to buy stuff :>?

Aizetsu: Sure but we don't have any money tho..

Y/n: Oh yea I'll just ask Douma-san to give us some ^^

Aizetsu: Ok then..

Y/n: Ok you guys go to Nakime-san and wait for me there

Sekido: Ok

*They got out of their room and went to Nakime while Y/n went to Douma*

Nakime: Hello Lord Aizetsu and Lord Sekido..

Aizetsu: Hi..Nakime-san..

Nakime: Do you guys need something..?

Sekido: We're just waiting for Nee-chan so we all can go to the town

Nakime: Ah ok..

Y/n: Hi Nakime-san!

Nakime: Hello Y/n-san

Y/n: Uhh..anyways so Douma gave us a lot of money! But we're just gonna spend them on food and we'll just steal some stuff

Sekido: Ok

Y/n: Nakime-san can you teleport us to the town?

Nakime: Sure..

Y/n: Thank you ^^

Nakime: Welcome..


Y/n: We're here!

Sekido: This is the entrance?

Aizetsu: Looks like it..

Y/n: Come on guys!

Sekido: Its very bright in here and it hurts my eyes..💢

Y/n: Don't look at them much

Sekido: Trying to..

Stranger: Are you guys demons?!

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