Aizetsu Just Being The Depressed Bean

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Aizetsu: People keep asking me, why is everything you make so sad? Why you never seem like you're having a good time? Bro, I am depressed, what do you want me to smile about?

Y/n: *Goes to Aizetsu and carries him and takes him to the clones bedroom*

Aizetsu: Eh- Nee-chan?

Y/n: *Puts Aizetsu down, goes to the kitchen and grabs all of his favorite snacks and drinks and goes back to the bedroom and puts the snacks and drinks down*

Aizetsu: Oh-

Y/n: *Covers him in his blanket*

Aizetsu: •.•

Y/n: *Closes door and turns off the lights and turns on his favorite show* ^^

Aizetsu: Oh

Y/n: *Opens one of the snacks and hugs him with wings* There ^.^

Aizetsu: Ohhhh..thank you Nee-chan ☺️

Y/n: You're welcome baby bro *Feeds him a chip* ^^

Aizetsu: Hump! Thank you again ☺️

Y/n: You're not depressed anymore :>?

Aizetsu: Well..I'm kinda the depressed clone..but this lessens my sadness

Y/n: Happy to hear that ^^

Aizetsu: I love you Nee-chan 💙

Y/n: I love you more! 💖 ^^


Fun fact:

Y/n sometimes gives Aizetsu more attention since he is the clone of sadness/depressed

Urogi and Karaku understands it while Sekido just thinks that Aizetsu is a little bit of a attention seeker when he's not

Zoha was a little jealous of it because yall know him he's the attention seeker of the family hehe

This is one of the reasons on why he loves her dearly

Aizetsu may sometimes fall asleep on her so this she cuddles him through the night

When Y/n is comforting one of her family she doesn't tell them that she has a mission to do now so they won't feel bad that they just wasted her time and feel bad that later on Muzan will scold her for putting them up first before doing the mission

Y/n is taller than Muzan lol 💅


Muzan actually gave her a mission to do but Y/n felt Aizetsu being sad again so she tried her best comforting him which she forgot to do the mission and left Muzan furious again

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