Poor Urogi 😔

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Urogi: Can I tell you a joke •w•

Sekido: No you cannot tell me a joke 💢

Urogi: Pleaaase!

Sekido: I am tired 💢

Urogi: Pleaaase!

Sekido: I'm trying to cook 💢

Urogi: Pleaaaaaaase!!

Sekido: Y'know what? If the joke isn't funny I'm hitting you in the head with a pan 💢

Urogi: Deal!

Sekido: Go 💢

Urogi: Whyyyyyy is dark!

Sekido: *Sighs*

Urogi: Is spelled with a k and not a c?

Sekido: Why..💢 *Prepares pan*


Sekido: ...

Urogi: Get it :D?

Sekido: *Lightly hits his head with a pan* 💢

Urogi: RAHHHHHHHH!!! 😭😭😭


Urogi: NEE-CHAAAAAAN!!! 😭😭😭

Sekido: Oh god 💢💢

Y/n: *Goes in the kitchen* I was called

Urogi: NEE-CHAAAAN!! *Runs up to her and hugs her with wings* 😭😭😭

Y/n: Oh why are you crying Uro? *Hugs him back with wings*

Urogi: I was telling Seki a joke and he said if the joke wasn't funny he hits my head with a pan! 😭

Y/n: And?

Urogi: He hit me with a pan! 😭

Sekido: I didn't hit him hard tho! and I wasn't even in the mood for jokes, I was trying to cook 😒💢

Y/n: Oh- well Uro don't disturb Seki when he's cooking ok? Especially when he's not in the mood for jokes ^^

Urogi: Ok 😥

Y/n: and Seki please don't hit your siblings in the head with something heavy ^^''

Sekido: I'll try 😒

Y/n: Ok thank you and lets go to my room Uro to see if there's some damage in your head

Urogi: Ok 😢

Sekido: I didn't hit him that hard-

In Y/n's Room

Y/n: Ok your head isn't that damage *Hugging him with wings while feeding him gummy worms using her tentacle* ^^

Urogi: Huhu *Still crying* ╥﹏╥

Y/n: Why are you still crying? *Pats his head* 😅

Urogi: Because he didn't find my joke funny 😢

Y/n: Well let me hear it ^^

Urogi: No I don't think you'll find it funny too :(

Y/n: I'll probably find it funny ^^

Urogi: Really?

Y/n: Mhm ^^

Urogi: Well here goes nothing...Why is dark spelled with a k and not a c?

Y/n: Why?

Urogi: Because you can't C in the dark

Y/n: ...

Urogi: I knew it you won't find it funny..-


Urogi: Eh-

Y/n: That was very funny Uro Hahahahha!! 😂😂😂😂

Urogi: You find it funny?! (⁎⁍̴̛͂▿⁍̴̛͂⁎)

Y/n: Yes! ^^

Urogi: Ahhh!! Thank you thank you Nee-chan!! *Hugs her*

Y/n: You're welcome! How come you never told me about your jokes?

Urogi: Because I thought you wouldn't find it funny

Y/n: Ohhh well from now on you can tell me your jokes ^^

Urogi: Eeeeeeek!! Thank you!! You're really the best!! ^^

Y/n: Heheh ^^

Urogi: I have another joke :D

Y/n: Hahah! Ok ok tell me ^^


Fun fact

Whenever Karaku went out to collect leaves Urogi has no one to tell his joke because everyone find it unfunny

Because of them he also thought you find his jokes unfunny

Since Urogi found out that you actually likes his jokes he tells you them all the time, even when Karaku is there he drags Karaku to you and tells his jokes

Urogi finds you and Karaku a supportive and loving older sibling

Urogi tried to do the same thing to be a older sibling to Zoha which is a little bit working

Urogi just wanted people to like his jokes and just want to have fun in life and be free as a bird

Urogi likes hugging you the most since both of you has wings

You're like a mother bird to him and he's the baby bird

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