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Karaku: *Picking up some beautiful leaves* Hmm..ah! This pink leaf fits Nee-chans decorations! I should added it- *Hears someone crying* What the- sounds like a demon crying, wait...Shit...*Runs in the bush and moves them aside* .....Urogi..?

Urogi: *Hugging his knee's while crying* H-hm..? Oh..*Covers himself with his wings* Hey Karaku..

Karaku: Hey hey hey..why are you crying bud..? *Sits next to him*

Urogi: Nothing..just..a fly hit my eye hahah...

Karaku: Urogi..please look at me bud..and don't lie to me..I know that you're crying..

Urogi: ...

Karaku: Urogi..please..

Urogi: *Sniffs* Fine..*Lowers down his wings* ...

Karaku: Thank you..*Hugs him* now let it all out bud..let all the tears out..

Urogi: ...*Hugs him back and cries even harder*

Karaku: *Patting his head*'s alright's like what you said to Aizetsu..we can survive together..without Nee-chan..

Urogi: I know..but I didn't think..this pain..would be worse without her..

Karaku: is very stop crying little Birdie..big brother Karaku is here to take care of you ^^

Urogi: Thank you..*Sniffs* ...

Karaku: *Wipes his tears away* Now..put that smile back on..remember Urogi..always smile ^^

Urogi:'s just gonna hurt more..

Karaku: Hm..? Why..?

Urogi:'re just forcing yourself to smile..why am I smiling about when there's nothing to be happy's just're smiling at nothing..and it just hurts..'

Karaku: ...

Urogi: Why am I smiling when she..left me..left us..and it's supposed to be sad and you're not supposed to we are..smiling to just hide the pain knowing that it's just gonna hurt more..

Karaku: ...

Urogi: Aniki..I really miss much...that I forgot how it feels to be hugged by another person who has wings..but bigger than mine..

Karaku: A..Aniki..?

Urogi: You're my big brother after all..of course I'll call you Aniki..

Karaku: I..never felt to be called like that..I only know big brother..

Urogi: Well you are being called as one..

Karaku: ...It doesn't feel right..

Urogi: Hm..?

Karaku: Being called Aniki..doesn't suit me..I prefer being called as big brother..

Urogi: But they're the same..just different calling..

Karaku: I know but..I just like big brother more..

Urogi: If you say so..

Karaku: Now come..let's go somewhere to cool off ok..?

Urogi: Ok..Big Brother..

Karaku: it feels right..

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