Happy Halloween

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Urogi: Alright I'm done wearing my costume!

Karaku: Dang we look cool dressing up as devils!

Urogi: Mhm mhm!

Sekido: Where is that dang kid 💢

Aizetsu: Still dressing up..


Karaku: Let the child take his time man


Zohakuten: Done hehe

Sekido: FINALLY- why the fuck are you dressing as a teddy bear-

Urogi: Yea, I thought we all agreed on dressing up as devils

Zohakuten: I have a reason hehe

Karaku: Ooook-

Urami: We're done..dang this fucking wings took forever for me to wear..💢

Hantengu: Mhm..oh Zoha why are you dressed up as a teddy bear..?

Zohakuten: Just wait until Nee-chan comes hehe

Sekido: Oh god now I know why 💢

Zohakuten: Heheh 😈

Y/n: I'm done wearing my costume! Sorry that I took too long ^^"

Urogi: Its alright! And you look so cool with our horns!

Karaku: Yea! I wish you actually have them

Y/n: Yea heheh!

Zohakuten: •Time to steal her attention from them heheh• *Coughs coughs* Nee-chan! (///^o^///)

Sekido: Oh god..here comes the little demon..💢

Y/n: Hm? Yes Zoha- OH MY GOSH YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!

Zohakuten: Heheh, *Lifts hands up* Carry ・‧̫・

Y/n: Of course you cute little teddy bear! *Carries him*

Zohakuten: Thank you!・‧̫・

Y/n: You're welcome! You look so adorable up close!

Zohakuten: Thank you ^^ *Looks at the clones with a devil look* heheh 😈

Sekido: Why you little..💢

Urogi: Chill man

Karaku: Yea man and besides, me and Urogi thought of a plan to get him back

Sekido: and that is?

Karaku: Heheh..*Whispers to him*

Sekido: Oh..well it sounds stupid but I guess I have to agree on it

Urogi: Told you he'll agree to it!

Aizetsu: Huh..?

Urogi: *Whispers to him*

Aizetsu: Oh..

Zohakuten: •Crap..what are they whispering about..•

Karaku: Welp! Lets go to the main platform to party!

Urogi: Ok! Nakime-san! Teleport us to the party!


Urogi: Thank you!!

Nakime: You're welcome..*Dressed up as a witch*

Akaza: Hello Y/n-san! It's nice to see you made it to the party! ^^ *Dressed up as a bat*

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