Aizetsu's feelings got hurt..

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Y/n: *Opens door* I'm back ^^


Y/n: Guess no one is home- *Hears crying* ... *Goes to the clones door* Hello? Anyone in there..? *Knocking at the door*

Aizetsu: *Crying*

Y/n: ... *Opens door slowly* Ai..?

Aizetsu: Nee-chan..

Y/n: Ai what's wrong..? *Puts the gifts down and goes to sit next to Aizetsu*

Aizetsu: N-nothing..*Covering himself with his blanket*

Y/n: Ai please tell're crying..

Aizetsu: It's my emotion Nee-chan..of course I'm crying..

Y/n: Ai you have never only cried when something happened bad..

Aizetsu: Nee-chan really..nothing happened..

Y/n: Aizetsu..please..*Hugs him* you can tell me everything..I'm here for you..

Aizetsu: ...

Y/n: Aizetsu..

Aizetsu: *Hugs her back* It's just..something stupid..

Y/n: Well..its not stupid if you tell me..

Aizetsu: Akaza..

Y/n: Akaza-san..? What did he do..

Aizetsu: W-well..he said that I'm..the most useless one..

Y/n: ...

Aizetsu: He said that because..I couldn't defend myself..and that I always need help..I couldn't do anything right..the only thing I'm good at is being sad..and needing hugs and cuddles..

Y/n: ...

Aizetsu: I shouldn't be crying at this point..knowing what he said is true..

Y/n: No..that's not true Ai..

Aizetsu: Huh..?

Y/n: What he said is not true..he just doesn't see you when you're in a're very strong Ai and you could defend yourself very well

Aizetsu: Really..?

Y/n: Mhm, he doesn't know that some people are sad for a reason, some people need help and sometimes someone needs hugs and cuddles for comforts

Aizetsu: That's..true..

Y/n: Don't listen to him ok? Besides, the only thing he's good at is being a gentleman and thinking he's better than anyone 😒

Aizetsu: *Chuckles* True, haha

Y/n: Bro not realizing that he also needs hugs and cuddles from his wife for 24 hours 😒

Aizetsu: *Laughing*

Y/n: Bro not realizing that sometimes he ask hugs from Kokushibo 😒

Aizetsu: Wait really?

Y/n: Yeaaa I saw him ask him for one 😂

Aizetsu: Oh my 😂

Y/n: Wait wait this one time! He needed his wife's help on changing a light bulb 😂

Aizetsu: Wait he doesn't know how-

Y/n: He doesn't! Bro lived for over a centuries or decades but still doesn't know how to change one 😂

Aizetsu: How does he not know 😂

Y/n: Bro even a child is smarter than him 😂

Aizetsu: Oh my Lord 😂

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