Am I Seeing A Ghost..?

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Zohakuten: *Walking around the infinity castle* ...It's really boring without you Nee-chan..this sucks..


Zohakuten: The fuck..who the fuck laughs like that..fucking harlots..💢


Zohakuten: This..fucking hoe..💢💢 *Kicks the door open* OI KEEP YOUR HYENA LAUGHING DOWN ITS FUCKING-...annoying...

???: Hm? *Looks behind her* Ah! Hello Zoha!! Wow you have grown so much! ^^

Zohakuten: N..nee-chan..?

Y/n: Yes? ^^

Zohakuten: Y-you're..alive..?!

Y/n: Of course I am Zoha, why would you ask a silly question like that?

Zohakuten: died right in front of us..! You faded away..!

Y/n: Uhm..Zoha I don't know what you're talking about? But you can clearly see that I'm right here in front of you

Zohakuten: I...

Y/n: Come here *Opens her arms and wings* How about let's talk about what you "saw" ^^

Zohakuten: ...

Y/n: Hm? Zoha?

Zohakuten: *Slowly walks up to you and hugs you* Y-you're..actually alive..

Y/n: Yup *Hugs him back* ^^

Zohakuten: I..don't understand..

Y/n: So what did you saw?

After Explaining

Y/n: Oh my..

Zohakuten: Y-yea..that's..what we saw..

Y/n: Hmm must be just a terrible dream! ^^

Zohakuten: Is it..?

Y/n: Yea! I mean look at me! I'm still here ^^

Zohakuten: You're...right...must be just a dream..

Y/n: Also you look very cute on my kimono Zoha! You're also the same height as me! ^^

Zohakuten: Heheh..thank you..

Y/n: You're welcome Zoha! Say do want to go out to fly? To get rid of those things off your mind ^^

Zohakutem: Yea..! Let's go Nee-chan! ^^

Y/n: Hehe! Lets see if I can still carry you! ^^

Zohakuten: No need to try Nee-chan! *Changes height into his original height* ^^

Y/n: Awww! I forgot how small you used to be!! ^^

Zohakuten: Hehe! *Lifts his arms up* ^^

Y/n: *Picks him up* Light as a feather! *Hugs him again* Hmmmm!! You're sooo cuteeee!!!

Zohakuten: Hehe! //^^//

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