Back in the old days ✨

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•• means saying something in their minds


Sekido: •I wonder who's Nee-chan's favorite?•

Y/n: Guys! Come down lunch is ready!!

Urogi: OK!!

Y/n: Well that yell is enough to alert the demons-

Karaku: *Running to the kitchen* FIRST! I CALL SITTING IN NEE-CHAN'S LAP!!

Sekido: *Coming in 2nd* No fair! You cheated!

Karaku: Nah-ah!

Sekido: Yea you did! You just suddenly ran out of the room!

Karaku: I have good hearing!

Sekido: Still!

Y/n: Ok enough fighting you two

Sekido: But-

Y/n: No buts Seki

Sekido: ...fine

Y/n: You know you can just sit next to me

Sekido: ...

Y/n: Aww..don't be sad come here *Opens arms and wings*

Sekido: *Goes up to her and hugs*

Y/n: Come here Kara, don't think I forgot about you hehe

Karaku: You never forget about me haha! *Joins in*

Y/n: *Hugs them back with wings*

Sekido: You're not mad..?

Y/n: Me? Mad? Pfft- it's impossible for me to get mad at you guys. I love you guys till death ^^

Sekido: I love you too..

Karaku: Love ya too!

Y/n: *Breaks the hug* Where's the two?

Aizetsu: Here..*Appears behind Y/n*

Y/n: Jesus Christ-

Aizetsu: Sorry..

Y/n: No no no its ok its ok hehe.. ^^"

Aizetsu: Are you sure..?

Y/n: Yes yes ^^"

Urogi: What's for lunch? *Flying while carrying Zoha*

Zohakuten: Ah!

Y/n: Hello and it's ramen, meat, rice, sushi, tokayaki, soup, and tempura^^

Urogi: Yes!

Karaku: Woo!

Sekido: Where is grandpa Urami?

Y/n: Ah he went out but don't worry he already ate ^^

Sekido: Ok

Y/n: Ok grab your spots, I'll be giving this to grandpa Hantengu

Aizetsu: Ok..

Urogi: I call dibs in here!

Sekido: Here

Aizetsu: Here..

Karaku: Here!

Zohakuten: Hmmm! *Reaching for Sekido* Sekwido!

Urogi: Aww guess someone needs their big bro haha! Hey Seki! Zoha wants you!

Sekido: Oh come here Zoha

Zohakuten: Ah!

Sekido: *Carries Zoha* Hi there

Zohakuten: Hewo!

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