Y/n's Turn ✨

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Douma: Guys! Guys!

Akaza: What is it now..💢💢

Douma: I found another one!

Gyutaro: Another what..?

Douma: A Chemical! Its the same one that turned the clones into babies!

Akaza: WHAT?!?!

Urami: Here we go again..💢

Kokushibo: Mhm at this point I don't even care if one of them got turned into a baby

Urami: Hantengu are boys out in a mission?

Hantengu: Yea..

Urami: Alright good, I don't want them to be babies again, I'm tired hearing them whine and making noises 💢

Douma: Yea!-


Douma: Nope!

Akaza: YOU SON OF BITCH!! YOU'LL TURN SOMEONE INTO A BABY *Trues snatching the chemical* 💢💢💢

Douma: No I won't! Daki catch! *Throws it to Daki*

Daki: I got it! *Catches it*

Akaza: !! Daki-chan give it to me! You might turn someone or maybe yourself into a baby!

Daki: No I wo- *Accidentally slips in a water and throws the chemical* EEP!

Kaigaku: and there she goes

Gyutaro: UME!!

Akaza: *Catches Daki* Are you ok?!? GYOKKO WATCH WHERE YOU SPILL YOUR DAMN WATER 💢💢💢💢

Gyokko: I'm being target again T-T

Gyutaro: YOU DUMB BITCH 💢💢💢

Y/n: *Opens door* Hello Everyone! Has anyone seen my baby brothers- *Chemical hits her head and breaks making the liquid go on her head and clothes* Oh 😃

Urami: *Spits coffee out* Y/N!!

Hantengu: Y/N!!

Akaza: Y/N-CHAN!!

Y/n: Eh- why are you guys sooo liquidity??

Kokushibo: Oh shit its already happening

Nakime: I'm on it *Teleports Y/n to her room*

Akaza: Shit shit shit her clothes are gonna be too big for her now!

Daki: I can get baby clothes from my slaves!

Douma: Same here from my followers!

Akaza: Ok but how are we gonna know what her size is!!

Urami: Teleport me and Hantengu so we can know and tell you guys

Nakime: *Teleports them*

Urami: Ok...uhh when are we gonna go inside her room-

Hantengu: Uhhh...maybe hear her talking when she's awake..?

Urami: Ok-

Y/n: Uhhh hello? Is everybody here? Why is there clothes on the ground and why am I naked..?

Urami: Welp there she is

Y/n: *Goes to a mirror* Why do I have horns and cracks on my face..and my eyes are black..?

Hantengu: Uhmm I think she'll recognize our voice if we speak up..

Urami: You think?

Hantengu: Mhm..

🌺 Hantengu Clones Older Sister 🌺Where stories live. Discover now