Ice Skating

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Y/n: Ok are you guys done wearing your ice skates ^^?

Karaku: Yup!

Urogi: I don't but I can skate with my claws!

Sekido: Yes

Aizetsu: Mhm..

Zohakuten: Yes...*Hugging Aizetsu's leg*...

Y/n: Okies! Get on the ice one by one please so none of you will be inju-

Urogi and Karaku: *Already skating* HAHAHAHAH

Y/n: Aaaand they're already went in ^^"

Urami: Dumbasses, literally dumbasses 💢💢

Sekido: Excited as ever, just leave them injured in the end *Gets on the ice*

Aizetsu: Yea..*Gets on the ice as well*

Urami: you kids just do whatever you want me and Hantengu are just gonna chill here with our hot chocolates

Hantengu: I prefer tea..but a nice warm hot chocolate would be fine..

Y/n: Ok just leave some for us or call me if you guys need any help ^^

Hantengu: We will don't go have fun ^^

Y/n: Thank you grandpa Hantengu! ^^

Zohakuten: ...

Y/n: Zoha? Are you going in ^^?

Zohakuten: I don't want to..

Y/n: Why??

Zohakuten: I don't know how to skate..

Y/n: Aww that's alright, I can teach you how ^^

Zohakuten: Ok..I can't move from my spot..

Y/n: Hahah! Don't worry don't worry I'll help you *Picks him up* ^^

Zohakuten: *Hugging you for dear life*....

Y/n: *Gets on the ice* Ok we're just gonna skate in the middle ^^

Zohakuten: Oh Muzan...

Urami: I'm betting that he's gonna fall straight at his face

Hantengu: Urami why would you say that...

Urami: I don't know I just felt it that he's gonna fall right straight at his face



Y/n: You guys are doing great! Keep it up ^^

Zohakuten: He looks stupid..

Y/n: Zoha don't say that to your older brother please ^^"

Zohakuten: ....It's true tho...

Y/n: Zoha ^^"

Zohakuten: Fine sorry...

Y/n: Thank you, now I'll slowly put you down on the ice ok? Don't worry I'll still hold you and you'll just try to stand still ok ^^

Zohakuten: Ok..

Y/n: *Putting him down on the ice*

Zohakuten: *Legs starting shaking* Nee-chan Nee-chan Nee-chan Nee-chan I'm about to fall and I'm about to die from this ice and I would likely prefer you to carry me

Y/n: Hahah! Zoha don't worry I'm still holding you ^^

Urami: *Sipping his hot chocolate* I can tell that he's about to cry over there, he's shaking too much

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