Ok Back To Them Being Babies ✨

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Y/n: Lunch is ready!!


Y/n: Uhh..I said..Lunch is ready!


Y/n: *Goes to the living room* Guys I said lunch is rea- *Gasp*

Clones: *Doing the Caramelldansen dance*

Zohakuten: *Just clapping for them* ^^

Y/n: *Almost collapse* Where's the camera..where's the camera, where's the camera, WHERE'S THE DANG CAMERA!! *Goes looking in the kitchen* found it! *Goes back to the living room and starts recording them* I'm saving this TwT 💘

Urogi: This is so fun! ^▽^

Karaku: Mhm! ^▽^

Y/n: *Getting 100 arrows on the heart* 😭💘💘💘💘💘💘💘

Sekido: *See's something on the screen and looks behind*

Y/n: *Hides behind the door*

Sekido: Eh *Goes back to dancing*

Y/n: Close...*Sigh* Hey guys! Lunch is ready!

Urogi: Lunch!! Race you all there! Hehe! *Starts flying to the dining room*

Karaku: No fair!

Aizetsu: *Disappears*

Sekido: Ey!

Y/n: •.•


Y/n: *Sigh* Welp *Carries Zoha* Guess you're the last one

Zohakuten: Bah!

Y/n: Kawaii -w-

Urogi ended up being first so he sitting in Y/n's lap and you guys already know their lunch routine

5 Minutes Later

Urogi: I'm bored •-•

Karaku: Same ->-

Y/n: ! *Starts thinking to do something fun* Aha!

Sekido: Hm?

Y/n: *Grabs Karaku and raises him up* ^^

Karaku: WOOOOW! I'm so high up!

Y/n: Hehe! *Throws him and catches him* ^^

Karaku: Haha! Again again!

Y/n: Okkk! *Throws him up and catches him* ^^

Karaku: *Giggling*

Urogi: Me next me next!

Y/n: Ok ok! *Puts him down and carries Urogi* Ready?

Urogi: Yea yea!

Y/n: Okii then! *Throws him up and catches him*

🌺 Hantengu Clones Older Sister 🌺Where stories live. Discover now