The Broken Promises

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Sekido: Tsk! Just die already god damn it!!

Tanjiro: *Finding Hantengu*

Zohakuten: *Summoning dragons on Mitsuri*

Mitsuri: Eep! *Tries dodging them all*

Zohakuten: This damn harlot!! Urogi use your dang sonic wave!

Urogi: Got it!

Mitsuri: E-eh?!

Urogi: *About to use the sonic wave*

Genya: *Shoots his mouth* Taste the bullet bitch!

Urogi: Gah!

Karaku: *Fighting Nezuko* Haha! You sure are interesting for a female demon!

Nezuko: Hmp!

Tanjiro: Can't find it..! Wait..there!

Hantengu: Eep!

Tanjiro: *Uses his sun breathing and tries to behead him*


Clones: !

Urami: DON'T HURT HIM YOU DANG BRAT *Charges at Tanjiro*

Tanjiro: Cra-

Urami: *Grabs his face* DON'T TORMENT THE WEAK!

Nezuko: Hmm! *Tries to run away but was attacked by one of Karaku's kick*

Karaku: Ah! Ah! Ahhh! I'm your opponent here little girl! Hahah!

Nezuko: Grr!

Genya: *Shoots him* Go Nezuko! I can take care of this!

Karaku: Haha! You think so little boy?! Lets go then Aizetsu!

Aizetsu: *Sigh* yea yea..

Nezuko: Hmp! *Goes to Tanjiro*

Tanjiro: H-hmp!

Nezoku: *Cuts her arms and spreads her blood on Urami then activates her blood demon art*

Urami: RAHHHH! THIS DANG BLOOD DEMON ART!! *Lets go of Tanjiro*

Zohakuten: *Feels something burning behind him* Shit! Its the sun! I gotta throw this dang humans away! *Commands one of his roots to throw away Mitsuri*

Mitsuri: *Dodges every roots*


Sekido: I ALREADY KNOW WHAT TO DO YOU FUCKING CHILD BRAIN!!! *Summons his thunder everywhere*

Mitsuri: *Slips on one of the roots after trying to doge the lighting* AHH!

Zohakuten: FINALLY! *Orders his roots to grab Genya and throw him*

Genya: Huh- AHHHH!

Karaku: Ah man! We were just having fun!

Zohakuten: NO TIME FOR THAT ASSHOLE!! THE SUN IS GOING UP! *Lowers him down in order to not be touch by the suns light*

Urogi: Oh yea! Look!

Karaku: Welp time to go!

Zohakuten: Wait! Grandpa Hantengu!

Tanjiro: Mitsuri-san! Nezuko catch her while I try to catch up the true holder!

Nezuko: Hmp! *Goes to save Mitsuri

Hantengu: *Tries running away*

Tanjiro: You're not running away after the things you did to the poor souls! *Uses his sun breathing again* RAHHH!

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