New Life

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Hantengu: *Inserts another tape*

( You may be wondering where Urami and Hantengu is well they're just behind the clones)

Karaku: Ok ok! What's gonna happen next!

In the video

Y/n: Ok..its on! *Sigh* good thing I charged this before going to sleep TvT

Sekido: The house smells..

Y/n: Oop- don't worry we're gonna move to another one ^^

Karaku: Wait really?!

Y/n: Yup! It's much better than this!

Aizetsu:'d you found a house tho..

Y/n: Hm? Ah no no we're gonna move to our grandpa's house ^^

Urogi: We have grandpa's?!

Y/n: Yea! Our "parents" just didn't told us

Sekido: But how'd you we have grandpa's?

Y/n: I saw a picture of mama with them, it has a signature on it "My Adoptive Dad's and Me"

Sekido: Ohhh

Crow: KAH KAH!

Urogi: Cool a crow!


Karaku: What is it saying??

Y/n: He said that our grandpa's are on their way ^^

Urogi: Really?! But wait- how'd you understand him??

Y/n: A nice guy in the town taught me ^^

Urogi: Ohhh!

Y/n: Before our grandpa's are here can you guys help me, pour all this gas around the house?

Karaku: Oh sure!

Y/n: Put Zoha outside so he won't get poured on

Aizetsu: Ok..*Carries Zoha and puts him outside* Stay here alright..?

Zohakuten: Bah!

Aizetsu: Cute..*Goes back inside*

Y/n: Ok you guys carry this small ones I'll carry the big one, if it runs out go outside and go to the lake, take a little bath there and there's some new clothes there

Clones: Ok!

Y/n: Ok start pouring them around the house ^^


Karaku: Ok I see where this is going 👀

Urogi: This is getting exciting!

Zohakuten: So as a baby I already witnessed people getting rid of the evidence ಠ_ಠ

Karaku: Your baby life is fucked up man!

Zohakuten: I should lower my expectations

🌺 Hantengu Clones Older Sister 🌺Where stories live. Discover now