Baby Siblings Hanging Out Together :>

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Y/n: *Reading a book in your room* ^^

Zohakuten: *Kicks the door open*

Y/n: Eh-

Zohakuten: Nee-chan!

Y/n: What is it Zoha?

Zohakuten: Lets have a baby sibling hang out!

Y/n: Oh sure! Let me just finish this book ^^

Zohakuten: Screw that book! *Picks you up* Lets go! *Runs out of the room*

Y/n: Eep! But we have to ask Aniki for permission!

Zohakuten: I already did! Same time and I have the bag here!

Y/n: Ah ok!

Zohakuten: *Runs past the clones*

Y/n: Bye Aniki's!! ^^

Urogi: Oop- Bye you guys! ^^

Karaku: Bye you little cute muffins! Have fun! ^^

Aizetsu: Stay safe you two..

Sekido: Stay out of danger Imouto!

Y/n: We will! Bye!! Love you guys! ^^💖

Urogi and Karaku: We love you too!! 💛💚

Aizetsu: Love you too..💙

Sekido: Love you too Imouto

Zohakuten: Yea yea whatever bye you bozo's! Nakime teleport us!

Y/n: Zoha! Thats not nice to say to our brother!

Zohakuten Kk whatever blah blah! Nakime!

Nakime: Why did I even agree to this fucking job..*Teleports them*


Zohakuten: Woohoo! Lets have some fun Nee-chan!

Y/n: Ok! What game are we playing?

Zohakuten: Lets go explore the skies first! *Summons a dragon and sits on the head* Go dragon! Go up to the night sky!

Dragon: *Flies up to the sky*

Y/n: Wow! This is so cool!

Zohakuten: I know right?! Oop here's where the clouds are coming!

Y/n: Ok!

Dragon: *Goes up the clouds*

Y/n: Eep!- Oh! I got a little cloud!

Zohakuten: Same!

Y/n: Wait! I read on how to make shapes with it! Let me just..*Starts shaping the cloud*

Zohakuten: Oh! What are you making?

Y/n: Just..a little mooooore..there! Look! Its a portrait of your face! ^^

Zohakuten: Wow! Thats so cool! How'd you do that?!

Y/n: I read it on the book!

Zohakuten: Cool! I'll try making one!

Y/n: Ok!

Zohakuten: *Shaping the cloud* aaaaand..done! Look I made you too!

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