Teddy Bear

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Aizetsu: *Fixing his stuff in his closet* Hmmm...O-oh..*A teddy bear fell on him but he caught it* Oh..its..the teddy bear..that Nee-chan got me...*Hugs it*...I miss your company Nee-chan...

Leaves his room and went to yours

Aizetsu: H-hey Nee-chan..*Sits down in front of your picture* It's..been months now...and...you're still not here..b-but..I..still have the teddy you gave me...you know...the teddy that you have..you gave it to me...when..Urogi destroyed my sloth plushie.......Please come back Nee-chan...I can't handle this pain no more.......I've let...so many tears..I've cried...and cried..everyday..until you come back....but...I guess..you won't come back...*Starts crying*...Please Nee-chan...you promised me...that you won't..let me cry again..not even a single tear..and you also..promised me..that you'll always be by my side Nee-chan...so please...please come back...please..

Urogi: *Comes inside* Hey..uh...I heard your cry...*Sits down beside him*.....Is...uhm..everything ok..?

Aizetsu: No...*Hides his crying face in the teddy's torso*

Urogi: .....You miss her..right?

Aizetsu: Yea..I just..couldn't believe...that she left us...

Urogi: ....Yea...I couldn't believe it also...but..you know...everything..don't last forever...

Aizetsu: *Sniffs* Could you please...stop faking your smile..it bothers me so much..

Urogi: O-oh..sorry...

Aizetsu: It's alright...just stop doing it...you and Karaku should stop...its not ok..

Urogi: .....I just don't know...how to live without her...I thought...maybe I should just...smile to hide the pain..

Aizetsu: It's not gonna help Urogi...it's not..it's just gonna hurt more..*Sniffs*..so please stop...

Urogi: *Starts tearing up* ....Oh..look at me Ai..I'm crying too..hahah..

Aizetsu: Don't laugh to hide your pain...I can feel that you're hurting in the inside Urogi..

Urogi: .....*Hugs him with his wings* Stop crying...then maybe I'll stop too...I don't want to see you cry anymore...it's not good for you..

Aizetsu: I'm the fucking depression clone..what did you expect..

Urogi: ....Now you're swearing...

Aizetsu: So...

Urogi: You never sweared...and you never...ever cry this much...I don't like it...

Aizetsu: ....Then stop fake smiling to hide your pain...

Urogi: I'll do that...and you stop crying ok..?

Aizetsu: ....Fine I guess...

Urogi: Thank you...now give me a hug..*Hugs him*

Aizetsu: *Hugs him back* ...

Urogi: *Pats his head* Stop crying so much k..? We can try to survive this...Nee-chan would be so happy..that we made it this far..without her help...

Aizetsu: *Sniffs* ...ok...I hope she's doing ok..

Urogi: Shhh...she is she is..just put trust in her...she said that everything that happened has a reason right..? She must've have a reason for her actions..

Aizetsu: Yea...you're right...

Urogi: For now...lets just stick together ok..? We help each other if we're gonna break down ok..?

Aizetsu: Ok..

Urogi: Heheh...I can tell Nee-chan is probably happy seeing us helping out each other..

Aizetsu: Yea..

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