1. Creating A Family

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Valka sat on the cold stone floor of the Bewilderbeast sanctuary feeling miserable. It had been a week since she had been taken from Berk and brought to the sanctuary to care for the dragons, and she was feeling terrible. She missed her husband their newborn son, how would they manage without her? She felt like she was going to break into a thousand pieces in that moment when she heard a loud roar.

A Monstrous Nightmare flew to her and Cloudjumper, the strange four winged dragon who brought her, with a bundle wrapped in cloth dangling from it's jaws. It landed in front of her and placed the bundle down before nudging it towards Valka. She carefully unfolded the bundle and gasped. Inside was a tiny baby girl with. The baby opened her tiny eyes and began to cry. Instinctively Valka picked the babe up and bounced her gently.

"Shhhh it's alright little one I'm here. Don't worry. I got you....mama's got you."

The baby's cries ceased and she looked up at Valka with bright blue eyes. She made a little noise and reached up to touch the woman's face. Valka felt herself tear up a bit and gently pressed her forehead against the babe's.

"I'll protect you like you are my own." She whispered. "You probably don't have a mother or father now so I shall do my best to raise you. But I won't raise you to be like the other Vikings, I'll raise you to love and befriend dragons."


~Five years later~

"Skyla I got something for you to see!" Valka called out. A small girl about five with long white hair and bright blue eyes came running over to her.

"Watcha got mama?" Valka knelt down in front of her daughter and showed her a tiny sleeping Whispering Death in her arms.

"The poor thing was alone and scared. Her parents were killed trying to protect her from Drago's men." Valka said carefully cradling the tiny dragon.

"Poor baby." Skyla nodded in agreement. Then her little face lit up with excitement. "Mama can I raise her? Please? I get bored and lonely when you leave so can she be my companion?"

"Well will you be responsible for her?"


"Will you feed her, love her, and do whatever you can to make her happy?"

"Yes! I pinkie promise!" She held out her tiny finger to her mother and Valka smiled and locked pinkies with Skyla.

"Alright then but remember, you must create a bond with your dragon first. Friendship is the first rule to training dragons."

"Okay mama! And I'm gonna give her the prettiest name ever!"

"What will you name your little burrower?"


"Pretty name but will it suit her?"

"Yes because she loves the starlight! Look!"

The tiny dragon had woken up and slithered out of Valka's arms and was examining a beam of light from outside. She carefully poked her tiny head into the bright light and hissed happily.

"Well it looks like you have chosen the perfect name for her. Skyla and Starlight. Those names sound perfect together."

"Yep!" Skyla picked up Starlight and snuggled her new friend. The hatchling cooed and licked her new friends cheek. "We are gonna be the best of friends! Forever and ever! And no one will ever separate us. I promise."

So how did you like it? I really hope you liked it. I know some stories have said that Valka has raised kids for most of their lives in the sanctuary but Skyla has been raised there since she was a tiny infant! So I hope you enjoyed the story so far. And I apologize for it being so short! Next chapter will be longer hopefully!

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