12. Return To Berk

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Skyla played on her bed staring at the ceiling. She felt miserable and angry with herself and refused to leave her room for days and she was already on the second week. She hadn't eaten anything, which she found a bit odd but since a Bewilderbeast could go on for days without eating anything adter having a bug meal she didn't starve. Starlight was worried about her friend and kept trying to get her out of her bad mood. But no matter how much she tried dragging Skyla out of the room, the stupid girl would somehow get free and go back to her bed.

"For the last time Starlight, I don't want to go outside!" Skyla yelled at her friend for what felt like the millionth time. Skyla screeched in protest and then shoved her head into Skyla's room, yanked her out by the back of her tunic and dragged her to the nesting area. But before Skyla could even get away she saw something that made her forget her sadness.

It was the Rumblehorn that she had seen with Eret. He layed on one of the nests and was moaning and thrashing about as if he were in pain. Skyla could tell he was in pain but wondered what he was doing in the sanctuary and how he got injured.

"Shhh it's alright boy. It's alright," she said walking to him slowly. He lifted his head up and gave a painful roar. Skyla managed to reach him without getting prodded by his horns. "It's alright boy, don't worry."

He held still as Skyla examined his body for injuries. She found some nasty gashes that were oozing with puss on his hind left leg but that was just about it. While Skyla was carefully cleaning the wound, he began to make a heaving sound. Much to her disgust, the dragon vomited all over the floor.

"Oh gross." She moaned as she went to go get some bandages for the wound. Then she saw a strange lump in the vomit.

Carefully she reached over and pulled out the mystery object. She gasped when she saw it was her old necklace that had been around her neck when Valka found her. And she had noticed when she was human it was missing. She looked at the Rumblehorn and wondered how he had managed to get it. Then it struck her that it must have fallen off in the docks and Eret rescued it, possibly in hopes of returning it to her.

"Thank you." She whispered and rubbed the dragon between the horns.


Five weeks had went by since the Rumblehorn had arrived to the sanctuary. He was healed by the fourth week of his injury and was ready to leave but insisted that Skyla went along with him back to Berk. After six days of refusing, Skyla finally decided to go with him but only to drop him off.

Skyla packed whatever she needed since she and Starlight weren't going to stay in the sanctuary for long. And soon the three were on their way to Berk.

Once they were there, Skyla let the dragon go loose but she decided to see how her mother and her sort-of-brother were doing. She knew that the home of the chief was the big one so she snuck her way there and haf Starlight stay in the woods.

Skyla crwpt her way through the houses, making sure she was out of sight. She saw so many dragons living among the humans. They all seemed happy and acting as if nothing happened. At one point, she caught a glimpse of Eret talking to Hiccup but she moved on quickly.

She was making her way back to the woods when she bumped right into someone. Skyla fell over and so did the woman whom she ran into.

"Oh goodness I am so sorry lass I didn't-" the woman gasped at the sight of her and Skyla gasped too.

"M-mum?" Skyla whispered. Valka rushed over to her and helped Skyla up and held her tightly against her chest.

"My little girl, my darling." Valka sobbed softly into Skyla's hair. Skyla was speechless but didn't release her hold on Valka.

"Mum I am so sorry for leaving you." Skyla said with her voice cracking.

"It's alright my little dragon flower. I knew that you were alive and would would come back to me someday. I always knew you were still alive." Valka saod stroking Skyla's hair. Then she frowned and saw how dirty it was.

"When did you last take a bath?" She asked holding up a strand of Skyla's now dirty grey hair.

"I don't know but it's hard to when you're missing an arm." She showed Valka her left arm. Valka gently touched the stump and looked at Skyla.

"We need to have a lot of catching uo to do young lass. We'll do it while I help you with your bath. And then I need to introduce you to your brother." Valka said after a few moments and steered Skyla in the direction of the Haddock house.

"Oh boy he's gonna be in for a shock." Skyla chuckled.

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