32. Such An Important Question

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Three Months Later

"Are you sure you want to do it today?" Hiccup asked Eret. "Like today, today? Because ever since you two returned to Berk and asked my mom for permission, you never got around to asking her."

"Well today that's going to change." Eret assured him. "If she accepts, you'll have me as a brother-in-law soon."

"Speaking of in-laws, turns out Dagur got engaged." Hiccup chuckled.

"To what unlucky lady?" Eret joked.

"Her name is Mala, but they fit quite well. Heather is running the Berserker tribe once he marries and moves out to live with Mala." Hiccup explained and frowned at his friend. "And Mala is a queen of an important tribe, please keep in mind not to tell her what you said."

"I'm already terrified of your sister, mother and wife, don't need another woman to add to the list." Eret said and gave a nervous laugh. "Boy do I feel bad for Dagur, his wife is probably scary."

"Mala can be intimidating but she's a sweet woman." Hiccup assured him. "Heather told me he was crushing on my sister for a while but got over it once he met Mala. Skyla met Mala and she told me she thinks they're going to get along quite nicely."

"Well at least we didn't fight for her, otherwise it would have gotten ugly." Eret joked.

"Anyways, you have the ring?" Hiccup asked and Eret nodded before pulling out a small silver ring with a small pale blue stone.

"I've had this for over a year, and I've been wanting to give this to her since the day we executed Drago. You think she'll accept?"

"Of course she will! What woman wouldn't want a man like you?"

"I can name a few."

As they walked, Eret caught sight of Skyla, Tuffnut and Ruffnut walking towards them with their dragons. Eret quickly shoved the ring Hiccup's hand and straightened his vest as he approached her.

"How's the most beautiful woman on this island doing?" Eret asked when he and Hiccup got close.

"Oh I'm so flattered!" Tuffnut laughed, playfully batting his eyelashes and earning a laugh from Skyla and his twin.

"Cheating on me already Eret?" Skyla teased.

"Now why would I do that to the one woman Freya decided to bless me with?" Eret asked and pulled her close to him to press a kiss against her lips.

"Get a room! It's bad enough I've got to see Ruff kiss Snotlout!" Tuffnut gagged.

"Deal with it bro, you're gonna be seeing a lot of romance going around." Ruffnut laughed and looked to Hiccup. "Should we leave them alone?"

"Hang on, Eret has something to say to Skyla. Right Eret?" Hiccup asked.

"Get the others and meet me in the arena." Eret replied, breaking the kiss and smiled at Skyla. "Race around the island and meet at the arena?"

"You're on!" Skyla laughed as she hurried over to Starlight and pulled herself up onto her back.


"Alright, it looks perfect!" Astrid said as the gang finished sweeping the arena floor clean. "Scatter the leaves from the doorway to the barrel!"

"But we just cleaned!" Snotlout groaned.

"It's to give it a romantic setting! And don't drop the candles!" Fishlegs scolded as he grabbed a handful of leaves and began scattering them from the doorway. "Eret is proposing to Skyla today and we want to make this perfect!"

"He couldn't have gone to the beach to do this?"

"Tide is too hight at the moment, and Eret asked us to prepare it in the arena. It's where they united when Skyla returned to Berk the first time as a human."

"Nothing spells romantic like an arena full of candles and leaves." Tuffnut stated as he grabbed some leaves from the basket and helped Fishlegs scatter them. "Though in my opinion, flowers would have been better."

"It's fall Tuff, we don't have any nice flowers." Hiccup pointed out as he laid a cloth over the barrel and placed a bread roll on it. "And make sure the dragons don't eat the bread, Eret needed me to put the ring in it."

"Now that's weird." Snotlout laughed.

"Shhh! Here they come!" Ruffnut hissed as they saw their friend's dragons fly overhead. "Hide!"

The gang scattered into the largest of the abandoned dragon cages and carefully shut the door, only leaving enough room for them to watch.

They heard Skyla gasp as she and Eret walked into the arena. Hiccup poked his head out slightly to watch his friend lead his sister to the barrel and hand her the bread and heard him say:

"I know you're hungry, try not to choke on it."

"I'm not starving, you ninny." Skyla laughed as she bit into the bread and Hiccup almost burst out laughing when he saw the face she made. "Eret, did you just give me stale bread?"

"Now why would I do that? The baker said it was fresh!"

"Well check again because- oh my gods!" Hiccup bit back a laugh when his sister dropped the bead and was staring in shock at the ring. "Eret, is this...is this what I think it is?"

"Well, depends what you think it is." Eret replied, taking the ring from her and got down on one knee. "Skyla Haddock, I've known you for a long time. Been through so much with you, cherished the love you gave me every day, and I want to do the same by doing this, if you would you like to have the honor of being my wife?" Eret asked.

"Took you long enough to ask you dunder head!" Skyla laughed as she flung her arms around Eret's neck as he was standing up and kissed him on the lips.

"HUZZAH!" The twins yelled as the gang burst out of the cage, flinging leftover leaves on the newly engaged couple.

"I expect a niece or nephew named after me!" Snotlout yelled, clapping Eret on the back.

"Hel no!" Eret and Skyla said in unison.

"Good, we do not need a Snotlout son of Eret scrambling around this island." Astrid laughed. "Anything but the name ending with 'lout'!"

Hey guys! It's SkrillQueen, just changed my name for the second time in....forever

Anyways, Skyla's story is nearly complete. Just one more chapter and this book is done. And that means I can go back and work on my other fics, like my Inheritance Cycle story, Trollhunters Oneshots, the Moana crossover and anything else I haven't touched in a while

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