18. The Surprise Party

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"So you celebrate his birthday for two days till the year that February 29th rolls around?" Skyla asked the gang as the set up the Great Hall for Hiccup's surprise party.

"Yeah since his birthday falls on a leap year we celebrate from late evening on the 28th and early morning the first of March." Astrid said handing her a lantern to hang up.

"He doesn't even know we're doing this party." Tuffnut said with a chuckle.

Hiccup had gone off to a chief's meeting at Outcast Island and he wouldn't be back till later at night. The gang had taken advantage of his absence to start putting up decorations for his surprise party.

"He's gonna love this!" Ruffnut said with a grin.

"I sure hope so." Astrid said with a nod.

"Don't worry Astrid I know he'll like it." Skyla assured her. "Besides who doesn't love a surprise party?"


"Here something for you." Valka said handing Skyla a dress.

" Valka said handing Skyla a dress

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"Mother...it's beautiful!" Skyla gasped staring at the dress.

"For you my dear." Valka said with a smile. "I'll even do your hair as well. Your boyfriend will be so impressed."

"He's not my boyfriend mother. We're only friends that's all." Skill said feeling slightly annoyed. She was starting to dislike how everyone kept assuming Eret was her boyfriend ever since the kiss incident and the Snoggletog dance.

"Alright then but I know his jaw will drop when he sees you looking so pretty." Her mother chuckled and Skyla rolled her eyes but smiled a bit.

She let her mother help her into her new dress and even pull her hair into a braided bun. When Valka used two mirrors to show her how it looked, Skyla liked how the red and black mixed in it.

"Oh you look absolutely gorgeous!" Valka gasped when she was done.

"Really?" Skyla asked, looking down at her gown and back to her mother.

"Yes, yes you do look beautiful my dear." Valka said and touched her cheek. "I feel so blessed to have such a beautiful daughter like you, even if you were adopted."

Skyla smiled at the praise and felt her pride grow.

"Ready to show your brother and his friends how beautiful you look?"

"Of course!"


"This is going to be perfect!" Snotlout announced as they finished hanging the banner that read 'Happy Birthday Hiccup!' in bright red letters.

"I hope he likes it." Skyla added and looked around at the decorations they'd been working on for the whole day during Hiccup's absence.

"He's coming! Hide!" Ruffnut yelled when they heard the sound of Toothless roaring. Skyla looked around the room and and darted to hide behind a pillar with Astrid.

The lights were put out to hide the gifts, food tables, guests and the cake. The doors opened and she could hear Hiccup and Astrid talking.

"Hey where is everyone?" she heard Hiccup ask.

"Oh gee I don't know Hiccup. Maybe we should TURN ON THE LIGHTS!" Astrid said yelling the last part out to signal Snotlout to light the place up.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouted jumping out from their hiding spots. "Happy birthday!"

"O-oh my Thor!" Hiccup gasped and laughed. "You threw me a surprise party?"

"We sure did!" Skyla laughed. "Astrid's idea as well."

"Aww thanks guys!"

"Now let's party" Snotlout cheered.

They all danced, sang, ate, drank and enjoyed themselves to the fullest especially Skyla. It was starting to get late when Eret approached her.

"Enjoying yourself?" He asked handing her a cup of mead.

"I sure am thanks for asking." Skyla said with a nod. "I haven't been to a party like this in years- actually I've never been to one since Snoggletog."

"Yeah that was fun. You're not mad about me trying to make you dance are you?"

"No I'm way over that."

They chatted some more about the dragon training classes, weather till Eret noticed something odd.

"Skyla your breath."

"What about it?" She asked covering her mouth. Oh gods was her breath smelling that bad?

"It's...it's coming out in puffs of ice."

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