6.This Is Me

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Skyla had gotten bored on the way to the fort so she had decided to take a nap. Eret was nice enough to allow her to sleep on the deck. She hoped and prayed that her plan would work.

"Skyla wake up. We're here." She woke up and sat up quickly but bumped heads with Eret. Both groaned and clutched their foreheads.

"Oww why are you so close to my face?" She moaned as she clutched her head. He shot her a look but she gave him an icy glare.

"Ugh come on we're here." He helped her up and she saw a giant fort.

"Whoa....this place is huge."

"Yeah it is. But right now I need you to stay right here."

"What? Why?"

"Because after this I'm taking you home. I'll ask Drago what tribes live near him so I can get you back with your mother soon." He answered. She stuck her tounge out at him and he stuck his back out her. Then she went to a stool that was unoccupied and sat on it.

"What am I suppose to do till you come back?" She asked.

"I don't know but stay on the boat. And don't try to let the boat loose aright?"

"Fine I won't move from here."

"Good now I'll be back in an hour or so." Once he was gone she waoted for a few minutes and quickly got off the boat.

"Idiot I'm not gonna stay on here when I got a job to do." She said as she hurried off. She heard the moaning and roars of dragons.

When she got there she saw that there were several guards. Quickly she crawled to them and knocked them out. She dragged their bodies away from the cages. She quickly began to unlock several cages. The dragons crawled out cautiously but they weren't afraid of her. She calmed those who were whimpering and soothes the loud ones. She led them away and knocked out a few other guards and found the back of the fort where there was open air.

"Go on and be free." She said. They all flew but one which was a Terrible Terror stayed. She kept trying to shoo it away but it refused to leave. "Go on scram now before someone find us!" She whispered loudly trying to pry it off of her arm.

"And it looks as if someone did." She gasped and the Terror gave a squawk and flew off.

Standing there in front of her was a huge dark skinned man with long black dreadlocks and a cloak made of what looked like dragon skin. And he was clutching Eret by the throat.

"Let him go!"

"Who are you and why did you release the new shipment of dragons?"

"My name is Skyla and I released them to be free from your tyranny. You are going to use them for good. You are planning on dominating aren't you?" Drago gave a harsh laugh. He released Eret and shoved him towards Skyla. She rushed to him.

"Eret I'm sorry. I just can't bear the fact that-"

"No it's fine. But you really should know that if something happens with my shipment of dragons I always get punished. And I got punished really badly this time." He pulled back his shirt to show her a bloody cut in shaoe of a dragons head. She gasped.

"Oh gods this is all my fault." She whispered.

"Now tell me whom you are working for to stop my progress." Drago was standing in front of them with his harpoon in hand. Skyla stood up with a look of determination.

"I work for no one. I did this in my own accord." She noticed that Drago was studying her carefully.

"You're a dragon soul." He said suddenly.

"A what?"

"Dragon soul. A person who is born with odd hair and eyes that are the exact same colors of the eyes and scales of the dragon they transform into."

"I'm no dragon! And you can't prove it!" She snapped.

"Alright then I will." He walked towards he and she stepped back. She turned to see that she was at the edge of the fort. Below her was nothing but water. She turned and saw Drago there in front of her.

"Skyla don't jump!" Eret called seeing what position she was in.

"She's not going to jumo you fool." Drago snapped. Then with one hand he shoved her into the water.

"No!" Eret ran over to the side and saw nothing but ripples. "No..." he whispered softly. Skyla was gone. He turned to Drago with a look of anger. Drago was smiling cruelly.

"You killed her! She can't survive in thag water!" He shouted angrily.

"Idiot she's not dead. When a dragon soul is in great peril the dragon in them kicks in and transforms them. This happens with those who never tried transforming on their own. Now let's see what dragon she is. Perhaps it will make up for all the dragons that you lost." Eret looked into the cold waters. What dragon could Skyla be to survive the harah and icy ocean?


I woke up feeling nothing but emptiness. Where was I? Who am I? I could feel the cold waters flowing around me. I needed to breathe. I wanted to see the light and be rid of all this darkness. I just had to. I swam up and drew myself ouy of the water.

I took a deep gulp of the gresh cool air. It was cold but I didn't mind it. It didn't seem to affect me. There were all these tiny creatures in front of me. Why were they so small? One of them walked over to me. I lowered my head to take a look at it.

It wore a black cloth that covered it's left anrm and in it's right arm it held some type of metal stick with a pointy end. He began yelling and swinging the stick around. What a foolish creature, did it think that that little stick could frighten me? I growled at him angrily and he did the same thing only louder and speared his stick into the ground. I hissed and pulled myself away from him in fright. I lowered my head in submittion to him to show that he was the dominant alpha.

Then some of the small creatures brought several dragons. They struggled to be free. Then the man began yelling and waving his stick. I roared at the dragons and they bowed down to us. I lowered my head to my master and he climbed into my tusks. I lifted him up and I heard him say:

"Behold the power of the Bewilderbeast!" I roared loudly and thousands of dragons began to swarm me. All of them were under my command. This is what I am. I am a Bewilderbeast. The queen of all dragons. And no one shall stand in the path of me and my master. We shall conquer all dragons.

O.O Skyla is a Bewilderbeast! Didn't see that one coming did ya?

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