28. Back To Berk

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"You sure you want to do this?" Dagur asked Skyla as he helped her roll up the last of her furs. "It's been almost two years since you've had contact with other humans."

"I can handle it. Besides, someone has to keep an eye on you." Dagur told her and Skyla gave out a little laugh.

"Well then, expect some hugs from just about all the dragon riders."

They finished packing the furs up and carried them out of the cave to their dragons. Jade didn't like the new added weight on her back and grumbled in protest as Skyla tied the furs to her back.

"Aww don't worry girl, when we return to Berk I'll have this removed immediately." Skyla said to the grumbling Snafflefang and patted her neck. "This is the last load, I promise."

"Ready to go?" Heather asked as she and Eret mounted their dragons. Skyla and Dagur nodded in reply before mounting theirs. "Alright, let's go!"

The dragons took off into the air, Skullcrusher taking the lead with Windshear behind him with Jade following behind with Shattermaster, Starlight and her babies taking the rear. Skyla held on tightly to her dragon with one arm as they climbed higher into the sky. It had been so long since she'd flown her dragon and it felt awkward to do so with just one arm.

"You okay?" She heard Dagur call and nodded.

"I'm doing fine, just not used to flying with one hand." She replied. "But, if Gobber can do it, I can do it too."

"He's got a wooden hand to help him." Dagur pointed out and pulled Shattermaster back so he was flying besides Skyla and Starlight. "Look Sky, if you need any help we are willing to help."

"I can do it just fine, I don't want to bother anyone in helping me out."

"You won't be, it takes time for you to adjust on your own. If you feel the need for any help in anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"Something wrong?" Eret asked as he turned his dragon around to fly on the opposite side of Starlight.

"Nah, I'm fine." Skyla assured him. "How much longer until we reach Berk?"

"Maybe in a few hours. Once we're there what will you do?"

"Apologize to mom and Hiccup, and all of Berk."


"This is all my fault..." Valka murmured as she wrapped Stoick's chief cape around herself and laid down on their old bed. "I...I shouldn't have been so protective of her. Maybe if I let her go with me on a few rescue missions she would never have left...and I wouldn't have lost her. And now I lost her again...how could I have not seen how terrified she was?"

"Mom!" Hiccup yelled as he burst into the house and ran up the stairs to his mother's room. "Mom, Skyla is back!"

Valka bolted up and removed the cape from around her shoulders and followed her son out of the house. They ran till they reached the plaza where the other villagers were waiting and standing in the middle of the crowd was Skyla.

"Skyla!" Valka cried as she ran to her daughter and pulled her into a hug. She heard Skyla give a small sob as she hugged her back tightly. "Oh my baby! I'm so sorry my poor baby! I'm so sorry!"

"No, I should be sorry!" Skyla cried as she clutched her mother tightly. "I-I shouldn't have disobeyed you like that and ran off, and I should have told you what happened to me. I made Eret swear not to tell anyone because I was afraid of what you would all do!"

"Shhh, it's alright Skyla. No need to be scared anymore." Valka cooed and rubbed her daughter's back to soothe her. "Come, we'll go home and you can explain-"

"No, I need you all to hear and see what I have to say." Skyla said releasing her mother before walking over to Toothless. The Night Fury cocked his head in confusion as the human knelt down in front of him and bowed her head in respect.

"What is she doing?" Hiccup asked his mother in a low voice as Skyla rose to her feet and walked towards the cliffs.

"I don't know, but stop her is she does something stupid." Valka whispered  and gasped when she saw what her daughter was about to do. "Skyla no! I forbid you to take another step forward!"

Skyla was now standing at the edge of the cliffs that overlooked the sea. This was the last place she stood as the evil Bewilderbeast...and it will be the first place where she shall rise as what she truly was. She kicked off her boots as she heard the others running towards her and yelling at her to stop. Skyla took a deep breath before she leapt off the edge of the cliff and braced herself as her body hit the cold water.

'Concentrate Skyla, just relax.' She told herself as she sunk deeper into the ocean. 'Just relax, you are not in any sort of danger. If the occasion arises, you will have to transform when it's not you in danger.'

Skyla felt herself grow bigger and felt other features change as well. Her arms hardened and became tusks as her skin grew scales and her hair turned to frills. The ice cold water no longer felt painful as she sucked in a bit of it to cool her throat. Once she was sure her transformation was completed, Skyla rose from the water with a loud roar.

'You again!' She heard someone yell and looked down to see Toothless standing at the edge of the cliff with his scales glowing brightly. 'I knew there was something off about you! If you are thinking about attacking Berk again I swear I will blast off your other tusk!'

'Shut up and listen to me, I was under control.' Skyla snapped. 'Drago had me under his control, I never wanted to hurt you, or my alpha or even your rider's family. My human self was unresponsive when I first emerged as a dragon, hence why Drago was able to take control of me.'

'That's no excuse to why you practically destroyed Berk!' Toothless retorted.

'I didn't want to! You blasting my tusk off awoke the human in me, very messed up way to get my crap back together, but it worked.' Skyla lowered her head so she was level with Toothless and narrowed her eyes. 'I'm done running from what I am, I'm done trying to hide it. I'm done with the secrets and the lies Toothless, it's why I came back. To show my family the secret I've been hiding for so long.'

'Then...you aren't going to challenge me to be alpha?' Toothless asked hesitantly and Skyla nodded. Then she lowered her head in respect and gave a long hum, just like she did when she was human.

'I acknowledge you as alpha of this island and of all the others. When the time comes, I shall defend this island and it's inhabitants with you. I shall live as a human and only battle as a dragon if you allow it.'

'I...I accept your offer.' Toothless said bowing back.

Skyla rose and started to walk away from the cliff before she began to shrink as she dove under the water. It was done now.

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