16. Love Advice

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It was Hiccup. And behind him were Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, the twins and everyones dragons.

"How much have you seen and heard?!" Eret said almost loosing it.

"Oh just enough to know that you actually like Skyla." Astrid answered smirking.

"So she accepts your invitation to tour the island but not mine?" Snotlout yelled angrily.

"Hey she knew me alot longer than you." Eret retorted. Snotlout looked furious.

"Okay, okay break it up!" Hiccup said getting in between them before anything happened and turned to Eret. "I can see that you like my sister but you don't need to move that fast on her. Especially since we don't know whether she even likes you."

"I know I do." Ruffnut said making goo goo eyes at Eret.

"Actually I think Skyla does like him back." Fishlegs said helpfully.

"Well what makes you think that? She could actually be attracted to me." Snotlout said glaring at Eret.

"Well she turned your offer down and accepted mine." Eret said with a smirk.

"There you go. My point exactly." Fishlegs said crossing his arms and giving a satisfied smile.

"Anyways," Astrid said quickly before Snotlout opened his mouth to say something, "you need to be paitent with her. Especially after all she has been through with men. What I suggest is friendly dates and some talks."

"Well....can I at least wait till she calms down? I don't wanna get beaten by her. Or get gorged by her dragon."

"He has a point. I mean, have you seen the teeth on that thing? Amazing!" Tuffnut said excitedly.

"And speaking of Whispering Deaths I have been meaning to ask her why Starlight isn't afraid of the light. She was suppose to be born in the dark so..." Fishlegs tried finding the right

"So why is she not panicking or going crazy being in the sun for long periods of time?" Astrid finished.

"Let's ask her then!"

"Or, better yet, let's have Eret ask her." Tuffnut said with a grin.

"Sometimes I wonder if you are all out to make my life miserable." Eret groaned.

Hey guys sorry for not updating in ages! I can't recall when was the last time I even updated! So sorry to leave you all hanging.

This book may be on hold for a while so don't expect any updates anytime soon.

Bye luv you all


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