14. Refusing Help

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"...and so whatever it is that you want just let us know." Hiccup said leading Skyla through the village the next morning.

"I don't need anything at the moment, but thank you Hiccup." Skyla said truthfully with a smile. Hiccup gave her a reassuring smile.

"Well if you need anything just let me know." he said and hurried off to do his chiefing duties.

Skyla began to explore the village and had brought a basket with her to get some stuff for Valka. She was walking in the direction if the fish stand when she felt someone tap on her shoulder and turned ro see who it was. Unfortunately for her it was Snotlout.

"So Skyla, what do you say I give you a private tour of the island?" He asked giving her what was suppose to be a charming smile. Skyla rolled her eyes and was about to reply to him when she heard Gobber's voice.

"I don't think you will be giving any tours Snotout, especially since you have a ton of work to do!" Gobber called out from the forge. Skyla mouthed a thank you to the him and he gave her a quick nod.

"Perhaps some other time?"

"Maybe no. You seem to be pretty busy and I don't wish to pull you from your job but thanks any ways." she said turning away.

She managed to get the fish, fruit and some cloth that Valka had asked for. But it was so hard for her to carry it with one hand. Everyone asked her if she needed help but her answer remained the same: no. But she immediately regretted not accepting anyone's help when the basket handle ripped and everything spilled.

"Oh no! Hey stop!" She yelled as some Terrible Terrors and baby Scuttle Claws went after the spilled fish. "Shoo shoo! Get away from that! That's our dinner!" Sadly none of the dragons listened.

Then she heard a loud roar and saw a streak of green and red fly by her. The Terrible Terrors and the Scuttle Claws dropped the fish they hadn't eaten and flew off. Skyla turned to see Skull Crusher picking up the fallen fish and fruit and placing it in the basket.

"Thank you my friend." She said rubbing him between the horns. He purred softly and licked her hand gently. She heard someone running and looked up to see Eret coming.

"What happened here? I heard you screaming and thought the worst had come." He said out of breath. He noticed the basket with all the goods and his eyes landed on the broken strap. He looked back at her with a raised eyebrow for an explanation.

"Valka sent me out to get some things but after I got them I refused all the help everyone was offering me. And so I was dragging the basket since I couldn't carry it and when the strap broke everything spilled and some dragons went after the fish."

"You realize that all this could have been avoided if you had said yes to those who asked to help you." He sighed picking up the basket.

"I just hate it that everyone assumes that I am weak due to my injury. I don't see anyone offering help to the ones who are missing limbs." She huffed.

"Okay one, you are barely getting used to your missing arm. Two, you are missing an arm not a hand so you can't get a prosthetic for that. Three, you are a gir- I mean sister of the chief so everyone wants to help you." He said taking the basket over to Skull Crusher and strapping the basket to his saddle.

"You were going to say that because I am a girl everyone should help me."

"Well it's just that- I mean- oh come on just climb on." He said climbing onto the saddle and extending his hand towards her. Skyla looked at it nervously and looked at him. Then she took it and allowed him to help her up.

"So are you busy today?" He asked her as she made herself comfortable.

"No not really. There isn't much I can do since I am missing an arm." She answered.

"Well then, hold on tight." Then Skull Crusher launched himself into the air. Skyla squealed and clung to Eret as best as she could.

They flew right to the Haddock house and landed there. Eret grabbed the basket off of Skull Crusher and motioned for Skyla not to get off. He opened the door and closed it behind him. A minute later he emerged with an excited look on his face.

"What did mum tell you?" She asked.

"Oh don't you worry. Now hold on tight." He said and climbed onto the saddle.

"Why? I thought you were taking me back home to drop off me and the stuff."

"Well since you told me you had nothing to do I decided to take it upon myself to give you a tour of your new home."

"Don't you have anything to do today? Like a job?"

"Currently I am helping out in the academy but they didn't need me today. Plus I want to make it up to you. And i want to get to kniw you a bit more." He said with a smile. She blushed and then realized what he meant.

"Wait what?" She said but then Skull Crusher launched himself into the air again and she clung tightly to Eret. Oh boy what had she gotten herself into?

Well it looks like Skyla's 'little crush' ob Eret has maybe gotten bigger. And perhaps he likes her too!!

Okay so shout out time!

Go read Zombie_Beheader's HTTYD fanfiction We Are One. I currently am a Emeret shipper but now I am starting to lean towards Hiccember >_< And do read her Big Four Zombie Apocalypse story and her Jurassic World book!

Read Stormcutter15's book The Life I Used To Live and it's sequel The Way It Has To Be

Check out Crazy_Zombie_Girl's dare book I Dare You To Dare Me

Read Harriet_the_Hiccup's HTTYD One Shots and his TMNT story!

Please read Dragonfan808's stories especially Me And My Night Fury Wings!

And please follow FinnWilson, JonathanGathers, RoninKasaiken, CloudjumperOfBerk, and Sadako_Kuren!

First person to make a ship name for Skyla and Eret gets a shout out in the next chapter! Thanks!

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