20. Another Kind Stranger

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~Two Weeks Later~

Somewhere far from the island of Berk was another island. Empty of all human life except for one man who was busy collecting pieces of wood from the beach along with other things that wash up on the shores of his island. Beside him was a bright green Gronkle with two baskets hanging from it's back and it was eating random rocks it found in it's path.

As they were collecting, the dragon stopped and began to growl. His rider turned to where the dragon was looking and saw something large in the water coming towards them. He stepped towards his dragon in caution and placed a hand on it's snout.

"Easy boy, not yet." He said in a low voice. "We'll wait to see what it is before we try fighting it."

They watched as the thing got closer and closer. To the man's shock, it was a girl in her early twenties wearing some sort of fancy dress that was wet and clung to her body. He also noticed that her left arm ended in a stump below the elbow. Her hair was pale white and the tips were a mix of black and dark red that were all twisted in a messy braid and her bangs were in her face.

The man rushed over to her when she collapsed in the sand with a small sigh and picked her up carefully. HIs dragon scurried over and allowed his rider to place the girl on his back and followed his rider to their home.


Skyla awoke to the sound of a cackling fire and something large sniffing her face. She opened her eyes to see a large green Gronckle looking down at her with big yellow eyes that had a look of concern in them. When it saw she was awake it's eyes lit up and gently licked her face.

"Hey take it easy boy, she just woke up give her some space." She heard a man say. The dragon moved out of the way to reveal a man in his early twenties with dark red hair, green eyes, wearing a thin tunic, short brown breeches that went to his knees, wearing worn leather bracers and holding a bowl of something steaming in his hand. "Sorry about my dragon, he's over friendly to people."

"It's fine really." Skyla said sitting up. She glanced down to see that she was wrapped in furs and to her horror she realized she was wearing nothing. "Uh where are my clothes?" She asked nervously wrapping the furs around her tightly.

"Drying up, didn't want you to catch a cold. I'll give you something to wear." The man said kneeling down next to her. "And don't worry you're still a maiden, I am not that kind of man either."

"Thanks." Skyla said carefully taking the bowl and carefully sipping the warm liquid.

"If you don't mind me asking, what ere you doing all the way out in the ocean dressed all fancy?" The man asked sitting down across from her. "Just curious."

"I ran from my family." Skyla answered. "I don't want to hurt them."

"I see." The man said nodding. "Got a name?"

"My mother named me Skyla, and you? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well, my name is Dagur and that green ball of energy and love is Shattermaster."

"So what are you doing all the way out here Dagur?" Skyla asked.

"Oh just living in the wild with my only friend." Dagur answered giving Shattermaster a pat on the head. "Been living out here on our own for a few years. Away from people, civilization, wars and such."

"I've had no human contact with anyone but my mother for eighteen years." Skyla said quietly. "First man I met really changed my life and I feel like I ruined his."

"Why is that?" Dagur asked.

"I....I don't wanna talk about it." Skyla said turning away. She suddenly began to feel lightheaded and dizzy. "My head is spinning." She said putting a hand on her head.

"Hang on, hang on." Dagur said crawling over to her and helping her lay down. "I think you need some sleep for now. You passed out earlier on the beach and I think you wore out whatever energy you got from your rest. Go to sleep."

"Sleep would be nice...." Skyla whispered softly before closing her eyes and drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

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