7. Skyla Returns

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Near the end of the battle against the Bewilderbeast

As the whole flock of dragons began to fire at me, the Night Fury blasted a super plazma blast at me and it hit my left tusk. It fell off and I became frightened. There was no way I could fight this dragon especially since I lost control of him along with the other dragons. I was powerless and weak. I had been defeated.

I turned away in defeat with my master still on me into the ocean. I had to flee. I had to hide and recover. I needed to-wait...where am I? Where am I going? Why am I under the water?'

Skyla could feel herself slowly coming back to her senses. Why was she in the water? 'I should have drowned when I was shoved in. Was I dead?' No wait it was all slowly coming back to her in bits and pieces like a puzzle.

'I am Skyla the adopted daughter of Valka Haddock. I became a slave to Drago and was controlled by him. I killed the Bewilderbeast that I lived with when I was a child. His last words to me frightend me badly.' Skyla thought to herself before she realized what happened. 'I killed someone... I killed someone who had protected me and my family for almost my whole life. All because of my stupidity. Why did I do that?'

Skyla now felt like she wanted to cry. She made a dragon kill someone, she killed the kind  Bewilderbest who took care of her and Valka for so many years. She knew Drago was the one controlling her and forcing her to do all those horrible things, that didn't fill up the hole in her heart that was overflowing with guilt for her beloved alpha. She then remembered that Drago was still on her back.

'I can't let him know that I'm starting to think like a human again. I better keep swimming.'

After a few hours Skyla spotted a small island ahead and swam for it. As she edged closer to the island, she felt my body starting to shrink. Oh gods the pain was unbearable but it assured Skyla that I was going to be human again.

Soon when she reached the shore, she was the size of a Nadder. Skyla shoved Drago off of her back as she fell to the ground and tried to push herself upright but something felt wrong with her left arm. Skyla looked down and gave a choked out a strangled cry.

All that was left was a charred stump. Oh gods the Night Fury blasted her arm off! Skyla felt tears welling up in her eyes dropped, dropped her head onto the warm sand and began to sob.

Everything was too much for her to handle. Everything she had done for the past two years as a dragon was tearing me up from the inside. She must have commanded thousands of dragons to kill innocent people who stood against Drago, like Stoick. Poor Valka, poor Hiccup! Skyla continued to sob her grief out when she heard a groan.

She looked up to see Drago several feet away from her, trying to get up. Skyla scrambled away from him and pressed myself against a rock and grabbed a decent sized stone near her, hoping to defend herself from that monster.

Drago lifted his head to see Skyla and began to crawl to her. Skyla screamed and threw my rock at his head, missing him and grabbed another rock.

"S-stay away from me!" She screamed and held the rock up. "I will kill you!"

Drago somehow managed to push himself up to his knees, keeping his distance from the frightened girl. His dark eyes narrowed but made no move to get close.

"You belong to me I am your master!" He snarled.

Skyla felt her anger boil inside of her.

"No I am not your slave anymore Drago! This is all your fault! It's your fault that my mother and her son and so many others are suffering! It's your fault that so many people are dead! It's your fault that the Bewilderbeast I lived under is dead! You made me do this! You abused my talent to get what you wanted! And it's your fault that I am like this!"

"Well you shouldn't have released those dragons in the first place." Drago sneered.

"Well you shouldn't have shoved me over the side of the boat in thr first place. And you could learn from what Hiccup told you: you have to earn a dragons loyalty. And you have lost mine. I will not be bound to you." And with that, Skyla walked to the water and began to grow. She felt herself getting bigger and bigger as she waded deep into the ocean. He could die for all she cared, he deserved it.

Skyla swam away from that island, heading towards the North where she knew she'd be safe, where she was sure no one would go looking for her there. She was going home.

So do you think that it's really all Skyla's fault that all that chaos happened

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