11. When Convincing Fails

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Now it was Skyla's turn to be shocked. Did he just ask her to go with him to the one place she had almost destroyed? He had to either be kidding or completely bonkers. Maybe a bit of both.

"Y-you're kidding right? You want me to go back to an island that I almost destroyed?"

"Well yes but you will be accepted by the Berkians. I was despite the fact that I was a dragon trapper." Now Skyla was leaning towards him being crazy.

"They wouldn't want someone who tried to kill them living among them."

"They will accept you I just know it!" Now she could see he was off his rocker.

"I don't know what's wrong with you but I thought maybe you were just a wee bit crazy but now I see that you are completely mad." Skyla said rolling her eyes.

"Oh come on, don't you want to be among other humans?" Now he struck something in her: her one desire that burned in her for the past eighteen years. But that desire was extinguished after seeing the cruelty of humans with dragons.

"After being stuck with Drago for two whole years, I prefer the company of dragons to humans." She said sourly.

"Well what about your mother? Don't you want to see her again?" She knew that she might as well admit the truth to him. It was only fair since he hadn't told anyone on Berk that she was the evil Bewilderbeast.

"I lied about looking for my mother. I ran away from her when I was suppose to stay home." She confessed.

"Well there must be a reason why you left." Eret pointed out.

"I wanted to see the world Eret. I wanted to see what layed beyond the borders I was always behind. I wanted to see other people. I was among dragons for my whole life with no one but my mother."

"Who was your mother?"

"Her name is Valka, Valka Haddock. She wasn't really my mother but she raised me as her own child and I had always called her mother."

"Wait I know her! She is the mother of Hiccup!"

"Yes I know who he is. And after I forced his dragon to kill him but it ended up killing his father instead, I don't think either want me on their island. They would never trust me, especially Hiccup."

"Oh come on Skyla stop being so negative! Come back to Berk with me. I promise that if no one accepts you for you then I'll take you back here." He said holding his hand out to her. She looked at it and then looked at him. He saw in her eyes that she wanted to trust him and go with him, yet he saw doubt in her eyes.

"How do I know that you are gonna do that?" She asked with suspicion creeping into her voice.

"Because I actually care Skyla. I had cared about you since the day I pulled you out of the ocean and nursed you back to health. And I want to regain your trust again after it broke. And I promise I won't break it." She was silent and he prayed that she would have the answer he hoped for.

"Get out." She said suddenly

"What?" Eret asked. Had he heard her right?

"I said get out. Leave now and never return." She said with the anger building up in her voice

"Wait why?"

"Because you are annoying me!" She snapped. She expected him to beg for her to change her mind or pleade but what he said next hit her like a wall of bricks.

"Fine then. If I am annoying you that much then I'll go. But remember, the Berkians might be willing to let you come and live with them." And with that he climbed onto his dragon and they left her alone with Starlight.

When he was gone Skyla thought that the weight on her shoulders would go away but it never did. It had moved onto her heart. She suddenly fell onto her knees and for the first time in two years she had begun to cry for the only human who had ever shown her kindness.


Eret and Skull Crusher flew back to Berk as quickly as they could. When he got home Eret walked over to a small chest that sat at the foot of his bed. Inside was a small parcel. He opened it up and felt something nudge him. He looked down to see Skull Crusher looking at him sadly.

"Oh hey boy. Why are you so down?" Skull Crusher crooned softly and nudged him. Then he walked to the door and gave Eret a sad look.

"I know I should have convinced her more but she is nust to stubborn. I wouldn't be surprised if she really was really related to Hiccup by blood." He said and pulled out a small necklace from the box.

It was a Whispering Death tooth that hung on a rope of leather with eight flat metal beads that surrounded two white beads and two light green beads(like in the photo). Eret gazed at it sadly. Skull Crusher walked over and sniffed it, looked at him and licked him gently before laying down beside his rider.

"This was hers. I saw it around her neck on the day we met. When she turned into a Bewilderbeast I found this on the floor and I swore to myself that I would give it back tonher when she became human again. And when I finally found her alive in the sanctuary I was so happy. But now i feel angry with myself." Skull Crusher crooned and licked Eret's hand. "And yes I actually still like her."

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