31. Execution

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Once they had gotten close to the shores of Berk, Eret threw Drago and he landed face first in the sand. He sat up, coughing and cursing up a storm as something heavy landed on him, pinning his legs and torso down.

"Keep him there Cloudjumper." Valka ordered as she slipped off her dragon and as her son snatched the bull hook from Drago's grasp. Her eyes were blazing with anger as she looked down at her husband's killer, the one man who made the lives of dragons hell, and who made her own daughter do horrible things without her knowing what she had done. "You've put both my children through so much pain it's not even funny. I hope my daughter gives you a painful death after what you've done to my husband." She snarled and shoved her staff under Drago's chin. "And you will pay for all what you had done."

"Your daughter?" Drago sneered. "Skyla is not of your blood, she's-"

He was cut off when the group of dragons his Bewilderbeast had control of land on the beach, snarling and growling as they approached him.

"Skyla may not share my blood, but she's as skillful with the dragons as I am." Valka retorted as the dragons inched closer. "And she will prove it.

As the dragons got close, Skyla dropped down from her dragon and landed behind the dragons, her staff in one hand and the other one covered in ice to take the form of an arm. The enraged dragons turned to deal with the newcomer, their eyes full of bloodlust.

"Heel!" Skyla yelled as she swung her staff over her head and brought it back down. The beads in the staff rattled loudly and the pupils of the dragons in front of her dilated before they crooned softly and lowered their heads.

"How on earth..." Drago muttered as the once enslaved beasts of his army parted to allow the young woman to walk past them.

"You killed my mother." Skyla said as she walked forward. "You killed a good man who didn't deserve to die, a father, a chief and a warrior who now is feasting the halls of Valhalla- a place you don't even deserve to go to."

"You act as if it was may fault." Drago sneered. "Who gave the command to the Night Fury to kill him; you did. You destroyed half of Berk and-"

"You made me do all that! As a dragon I was confused and frightened, and you enslaved me- your own daughter!" Skyla screamed and she heard the other riders gasp. "If it were not for you I would never have killed anyone! Hiccup and Valka would have still have Stoick and be a fully formed family!"

Drago was about to retort with something when a sword was shoved close to his throat and a familiar pair of hazel eyes were looking at him in fury.

"If you make up one more pathetic excuse for enslaving your child, I will not hesitate to slit your throat." Eret growled as he pressed the blade closer to his old employer's neck. "And if for one moment you think I wouldn't do that, think again."

"Normally I'm against violence, but I will only allow this execution to happen." Hiccup said as he removed his sword from his side and held it out to his sister. "Skyla told me that if we were to ever confront Drago, she was going to be the one to kill him."

"You'd murder the only blood relative you have left?" Drago asked and Skyla's eyes narrowed.

"You killed my mother, the woman you loved, because she did what was best for your only daughter. She wasn't going to allow you to turn her into a weapon." Skyla answered sharply. "My mother wanted me to live until I was as old enough to see the dragons leave this world, she wanted me to find love and live the rest of my life with someone who loved me and looked past my powers, she wanted me to live normal, yet you wanted me to become a weapon."

Skyla handed her staff to Snotlout and took the sword from her brother, igniting the blade as Cloudjumper moved back slightly to let her do her job. Eret moved forward to use his sword to shift Drago's hair aside to expose his neck and gave her the nod to continue.

"I am Skyla of the Isle of Berk, co-alpha protector of the island's occupants that are human and dragon, sister to the chief and daughter to the mistress of dragons." Skyla began as she held the sword over her father's neck. "I sentence you Drago Bludvist to death. You shall not be received by the gods and dine in their halls as a hero, you will suffer at the hands of the goddess Hella and be punished by your earthly crimes. From this day forward you shall no longer taint this world with your presence, farewell and be gone!" With one swing, Drago's head was no longer connected to his neck.

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