29. Acceptance

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"Did you see that?" Fishlegs asked the group as they flew down to the beach. "I cannot believe that Skyla was the bad Bewilderbeast!"

"Yeah, I totally predicted it!" Tuffnut boasted proudly.

"Hey I was the one who pointed out that she was possibly brainwashed and predicted it!" Snotlout retorted. "So if anyone is gonna tell her that, it's gonna be me!"

"And if you think that's going to get you in her good graces, think again." Astrid said pointing at the beach where two figures were huddled together and grinned. "Guess our dragon trapper really does know how to trap a dragon."

The five dragons landed on the sand near Skyla and Eret who were huddled together. Hiccup gestured for them and their dragons to wait before he approached them with Toothless. Once thwy got close, the Night Fury cooed and rubbed his head against Skyla's stump to get her attention, receiving a small scratch under the chin from her.

"So...you uh...you really were a Bewilderbeast." Hiccup said awkwardly and his sister nodded.

"I'm honestly sorry for what I did Hiccup, I know I was under the control of Drago but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't feel bad for what I have done. I should have been in more control of myself." Skyla said and looked up at him. "I should have told you and Valka of what happened, and I should be thanking you and Toothless for snapping me out of it."

"Well I didn't think that you'd literally loose your arm just to regain your humanity."

"Equivalent exchange brother. I deserved this for disobeying our mother."

"Anything else you wanted to say?" Eret asked Hiccup. "Or even ask?"

"Uh...I'm not even sure where to start." Hiccup confessed.

"ASK ERET TO MARRY HER!" They heard the twins yell and they heard Astrid cheer.

"No she's not getting married to him!" Hiccup yelled back. "It's too soon and they haven't even been courting!"

"Does me standing over her sleeping area and talking while she was a Bewilderbeast count?" Eret asked and Skyla elbowed him. "Hey!"

"No it does not." Skyla replied and rolled her eyes. "If you want me to court you, you need my mom's approval."

"Why can't I get Hiccup's?"

"Because she's my sister, and I can't really control what she does."

"Fine, I'll ask Valka."


"I can't believe you said yes." Skyla said to her mother as she was helping her wash her hair. "I honestly thought you were going to say no and shut the door in his face!"

"Well my daughter deserves a good man in her life, one who actually went through all the trouble to find her and defended her from most of the village after they heard the news." Valka said as she pulled a comb through her daughter's soapy hair. "Besides, Eret's a good man. And I'm quite sure you two kissed when you were gone."

"How did you know?" Skyla asked as she felt her cheeks darken.

"I'm your mother dear, I know these things all too well. I was in love once so I know all the signs when I see them."

"I'm quite sure Hiccup needed your love advice when he was attempting to woo Astrid."

"He managed on his own, just hope Stoick and Gobber didn't try suggesting that he'd do something stupid."

"Knowing Hiccup, he would never take their suggestions." Skyla scoffed. "He's not that stupid."

"I heard that!" Hiccup yelled from downstairs.

Skyla gave a sigh and sunk down in the tub as she felt her mother continue to comb out the tangles in her hair. Ever since she left Berk it had gotten longer and was starting to hang past her hips. The ends of the hair were already a midnight black as some certain parts above them were red as blood.

"Do you think...I'll get married?" Skyla asked her mother.

"To Eret, possibly." Valka replied as she finished combing the final tangle out. "To anyone else, no. I can't really see you with anyone, especially after what happened today after your stunt on the cliff."

"Eret went looking for me afterwards and stayed with me to make sure no one tried hurting me."

"Another reason why I think he'd be a good husband to you."


"Yes dear?"

Skyla lifted her head up from the water and turned to face her mother. "Th-thank you for forgiving me. I know what I did was bad and it wasn't fair that I had to take away your husband an hour after you were reunited with him-"

"Skyla, I'm not mad at you. You are not at fault." Valka said, interrupting her daughter. "You were under control and had no idea what you were doing. I could never hate you for what you did to our alpha or my husband. When I learned it was you and that you were under control, I couldn't be angry."

Skyla gave a small sigh of relief before resting her head on her mother's knees. Valka smiled and tenderly brushed a strand of her daughter's soaked hair from her face. Her daughter really had grown up so much since that dragon brought her to the sanctuary. She went from being a tiny infant to a strong young woman who had been through so much in three years.

"I love you mum." Skyla murmured.

"I love you too, my daughter." Valka replied softly. "And I always will."

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