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Air raid sirens rung out around London more specifically Finchley. A boy with sandy brown hair ran through the halls of his house trying to gather his siblings to get them to the safe shelter in the back garden.

He first ran to his brothers' room and dragged them out of the room and down to their mother who was down stairs grabbing rations for the safe shelter. After he ran to his sister' room and grabbed hold of his littlest sister's hand while his older sister followed them.

He met his mother down stairs and she and his two sister began to run to the shelter. His oldest youngest brother was next and he ran after them. Finally the sandy haired male ran out with his youngest brother behind him. Suddenly the youngest of them stopped before turning to run back inside.

"Dad" he said and started back for the house. His mother and the other children yelled from the shelter to come back but the male went back in after his brother. Just as he reached his brother a boom hit near the window causing them to fly back after the younger boy had grabbed a picture frame of some sort.

The older male helped him up and the two ran again back out into the garden and into the shelter. Once they were all safe, the second oldest, Peter, began. "What we're you thinking? You could've gotten Oli killed." He asked frustrated and annoyed at what his brother said.

The oldest child now known as Oli placed a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Peter it's fine. Leave it be. It's bad enough as it is." Oli was always the level headed one in these situations. He was the mediator of the group. Their mother, Helen, sat with Edmund hugging him and checking for injury while the two older boys sat them selves on one of the beds as their sisters had taken the other for themselves. It was going to be a long night as it was many other nights during WW2.

When they all finally got in the next morning and we're eating breakfast their mother gave them the news of evacuation to the countryside. The children groaned but knew they had to go.

While the younger four went up stairs to pack Helen held back her eldest child. "This came for you this morning." She said holding out a letter. Oli took it and read that it was indeed for him but something else caught his attention. The government seal in the corner. He looked back up to his mother.

"You can't be serious mum. I'm not even eighteen yet. Not for another month at least." He said. His mother just let tears fall from her eyes staining her cheeks. "I'm afraid so. I've already opened it. You're to be enlisted in two months time. That means you can spend those two months with your siblings and who knows you could meet your father out there." She smiled sadly at the thought of her husband.

Oli just nodded his head. He stuffed the letter in his pocket and hugged his mother before also going upstairs to pack.

Standing in the crowded train station was never something Oliver liked. He looked around at all the other children being evacuated and sighed. This is the way it had to be sadly.

He watched has his mum talked to Lucy first and then Edmund. She spoke a few words to Susan and Peter before turning to him. "Just remember spend the next two months to the most. And take care of your siblings as well." Oliver just nodded and Peter clearly having heard the start of that sentence gave him a weird look but Oliver shrugged it off.

They began walking towards their train as the whistle blew for boarding. Oliver, who was holding the tickets, became distracted when he saw a soldier observing the evacuations but snapped out of it when Susan started pushing him onto the train. They all started to stick their heads out the window and waved to their mother as she waved back to them.

Finally when the train left the station they set off to find a compartment for all five of them. They found one at long last. It wasn't completely empty with two other small kids inside. They began to file in and finally sat down after putting their bags away.

The two small kids looked at the oldest Pevensie with curious looks. "Are you one of the soldiers?" The little girl asked shyly. Oliver's head shot up from its place leaning against the window.

"No actually I'm not. I'm not old enough yet." He replied with a small smile and the two kids nodded while the other siblings sighed. They knew he'd be deployed sometime next year as he turns eighteen soon.

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