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When Oliver walked from his tent the next morning, the sun was blazing high in the sky blinding him slightly.

He looked up to see Aslan talking to his brother and smiled. His brother was back. Peter soon joined his older brother and Oliver wrapped an arm around him keeping him close for his brothers comfort and his own. It hasn't been easy getting to where they right now.

Soon Lucy and Susan joined them also. Lucy went to ask what they were looking at but looked up and say Edmund. "Edmund." She said loudly and went to run towards him but Oliver was quick to grab her arm.

"Leave them Lu. Let them talk. We'll have plenty time afterwards." Oliver says making Lucy pout.

Edmund and Aslan looked down towards the rest of the siblings and began to descend the ledge they were on and walked up to the siblings. "What's is the the past cannot be undone and Edmund knows this. There is is no need to speak of this any further." Aslan says then walks away after giving a nod to the siblings.

"Hi." Edmund says nervously. Lucy immediately runs and hugs him. Susan doing the same. When they pull away Edmund looks to his two older brother who both beacon him in for a hug and they do a small group hug together. "Now you need to get some rest alright?" Peter tells him and Edmund nods making his way towards the boys tent.

"Oh and Ed?" Oliver calls and Edmund turns worried for his brothers reaction. "Try not to wonder off again." The oldest Pevensie teases with a smile making the youngest brother smile as well and let out a mall laugh before continuing his journey towards the tents.

Once Edmund had changed into some clean clothes and gotten washed up the siblings sat around a table while Oliver and Peter stood to the side also eating some toast. "Narnias not going to run out of toast Ed." Lucy teases her brother making the others smile.

"I'm sure they can pack you some for your journey back." Oliver tells the younger making them all look at him. "What do you mean?" Susan asks. "Your going home." Peter tells them. "What why?" Lucy asks surprised by her brothers words.

"I promised mum I would keep ye safe. Even if ye can't stay I can and Peter can also. Lucy almost drowned, Edmund was almost killed and Susan was almost eaten by a wolf." Oliver tried to reason with his siblings but they don't budge.

"That's exactly why we have to stay and help these people." Edmund reasons wanting to make his wrongs right again. Oliver sighed and glances at Peter before facing his siblings once more. "Alright fine you can all stay." Oliver tells them and they all smile.

"We'll that's it then." Susan says and stands holding her quiver and bow. "Where are you going?" Peter asked her confused. "Getting in a bit of practice." She smirks and Lucy got up and followed suit.

Oliver smiles at them before glancing back at his brothers. "I think we should do a little bit of practicing as well." Oliver tells them and the two boys smile before rushing to grab their armour and swords.

Susan and Lucy stood at the training grounds shooting arrows and Lucy threw her dagger a few times, all hitting bullseye.

They heard shouting coming over the hills and look to see their brothers duelling each other while laughing. "Swords up boys. Just like Oreus thought us." Oliver tells his younger brothers bringing up his sword and they block it.

"Pevensies." Beaver yells coming up the other hill making Edmund's horse rear up. "Woah horsie." He says making the horse huff and Oliver laughs. "My named Philip." The horse tells him and Edmund blushes from embarrassment. "Oh sorry."

"The White Witch. She's here." Beaver announces making Oliver look at his brothers in worry. "Hurry on." He tells them and they all back their way back to camp.

A dwarf comes around the bend with Jadis behind him being carried by ogres. "All bow. Jadis Queen if Narnia." The dwarf yells and Oliver scoffs from where he stands at the side with his siblings.

Jadis is put down and she stands looking over to siblings. "You have a traitor in your mist Aslan." She says aloud for everyone to hear them. "His offence was not against you." Aslan growls. "You know what the great magic says." She says facing the lion stepping towards him.

"Do not recite the deep magic to me Witch." Aslan tells her with a snarl. "He is my property. The boy will die on the stone table." Jadis yells.

Oliver steps forward with his sword drawn. "Just try and take him witch." He treatments strongly. "Ah Oliver boy. Still remember our last encounter?" She asks and Oliver growls lowly at her.

"Enough. We will speak alone." Aslan says and walks towards his tent with Jadis following. The younger Pevensie siblings turn to look at the oldest. Oliver turns and gives his siblings a tight lipped smile before going to hug Edmund. "I won't let her take you. I promise." Oliver tells him and Edmund nods against his chest.

After a wait that felt like a lifetime and a half to Oliver, Jadis and Aslan left the tent. "She has renounced the claim on the son of Adam's blood." He announces and the siblings embrace their brother tightly.

"How will I know you'll keep your promise?" Jadis asks the lion but the lion growls before letting out a bellowing roar. Jadis quickly sits in her chair and the begin their leave. Lucy gazes over at Aslan and noticed the sad look on the lion but Aslan only nods at her, a sign for her not to worry about it.

What the three brothers did not expect that night was to be woken by a dryad coming with news of Aslan's death from their sisters in the woods. Oliver could only hope victory was on his side.

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