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As the Pevensie family begin their trek to the faun's house Oliver notices Edmund standing towards the back of the group and goes to join him. ''Everything alright?'' Oliver asks him and Edmund shrugs.

''Just a lot on my mind is all. Like your letter, this place, going home, Dad.'' He lists out not realising what he's saying and Oliver pulls him into a side hug. ''Everything will be alright. I promise I'll be alright and you know I may even find dad when I'm out there and we could come home together.'' Oliver smiles a little trying to make the best out of a bad situation.

''You're right. Everything turns out okay in the end doesn't it?'' He asks his older brother and Oliver grins at him. ''Always.''

''Lucy.'' The two at the back hear Peter yell and they look to see them running and they follow. They all enter a broken down door into the side of a cliff. Lucy kneels next to a broken picture which is accompanied by more broken picture frames, broken cups and just overall rampage.

The other siblings look around and Oliver sees a piece of paper attached to a wooden pillar. ''Tumnus, is under arrest and awaiting his trial on a charge of High Treason against her imperial Majesty Jadis, Queen of Narnia, Chatelaine of Cair Paravel. Empress of the Lone Islands, also to comforting her Majesty's enemies, harbouring spies and fraternizing with humans. signed Maugrim, captain of the Secret Police, Long Live the Queen.'' Oliver read aloud making Lucy gasp.

''We should really go back now.'' Susan says turning to Oliver who just kept staring at the piece of paper. ''We have to help him.'' Lucy says looking at Peter and glancing at Oliver sadly trying to convince them to help her friend. ''I don't think there's much we can do Lu.'' Peter tells her and Oliver finally snaps out of his somewhat trance.

''We could tell the police.'' Susan suggests but Oliver shakes his head. ''No, don't you see these are the police. I've been here before but by the looks of it it's been more than a hundred years since I've been here.'' Oliver says looking around at the photo frames. One of them catching his eye. ''What are you saying?'' Susan asks confused and all of his siblings look at him.

''I came here when I was eight or nine I don't remember exactly. When I went to visit our grandparents down south. It was the same way. Through the wardrobe I mean. But the winter and peril we're only beginning and we had to try stop it but I returned home before I could because of a plan gone wrong. Time at home stays still when we're here meaning time here moves really fast. Imagine what would happen over nearly ten years.'' He says and picks up a picture frame.

It was of a faun with a young boy. ''This is me with Mr Tumnus' grandfather.''

All of his siblings looked at him in surprise until they were interrupted with a 'psst'. They all turned to a small window near the ceiling of the room on one of the walls. ''Did that bird just psst at us?'' Susan asks highly troubled by all of the weird things.

''Follow that bird.'' Oliver says running out of the house and after the bird as it chirps. When it stopped they were in slightly open place when a bush rustled. Peter crept forward as he was closer to it and stuck out his hand. A beaver popped out from behind the bush and crawled towards them on all fours.

''Here boy.'' Peter says with his hand outstretched in front of him. Oliver just gives him a weird look before sighing. ''I'm not gonna sniff it if that's what you want.'' The beaver said and stood on its hind legs making Oliver's younger four siblings stepped back while Oliver stepped towards the beaver. ''Hello Mr. Beaver.'' He greeted kneeling down to the beaver's height.

''Well I'll be, Oliver you've returned. By Aslan when I saw you last I must have been 2 beaver years of age.'' The beaver says making Oliver laugh. ''I'm back Beaver.'' He says giving his once friend a hug. ''You've brought the others this time then it must be.'' Beaver tells Oliver who just nods in return to look back at his siblings who are all looking at him weirdly.

''Lucy?'' Beaver asks the other and Lucy steps forward towards Oliver. ''Yes?'' She asked now standing next to Oliver.

Beaver pulls out a handkerchief and holds it out to Lucy. ''That's the handkerchief I gave to-'' She was cut off by Beaver. ''Mr. Tumnus. Yes. He gave it to me before they found him.'' Beaver explains before looking around himself suspiciously.

''He must hurry. This way.'' He says and crawls away on all fours.  Peter, Oliver and Lucy went to follow him when Susan and Edmund called them back. ''Where are you going?'' She asks and the other three just turn to her.

''Oliver knows the Beaver and he says he knows about Mr, Tumnus.'' Peter explains and Susan looks at him dumbfounded. ''It's a beaver. It shouldn't be talking at all.'' She says when Beaver returns around the bush. 

''Everything alright?'' He asks and Peter nods. ''Yes just talking.'' Beaver looks scared. ''Be careful they're listening.'' He says and some look around. ''He means the trees.'' Lucy and Oliver say and follow after Beaver.

Peter looks at Edmund and Susan with a shrug before following his youngest and oldest siblings. Edmund and Susan shared a glance before following the rest of them towards the beaver dam.

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