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The rain belted the window outside as it poured rain around the mansion outside. The Pevensie siblings all sat in what seemed to be a library playing some sort of game.

Well Edmund was under on the of the couches carving his name into and Lucy was gazing out the window at the rain. The three oldest we're playing Susan's game of what is the word. Gastrovascular.'' Susan said.

Peter looked like he couldn't care less about this game. ''Come on Peter, Oliver 'Gas-tro-vas-cular.'' She said again and Peter sighed. ''Is it Latin?'' He asked bored while Oliver was half asleep on the couch also. Edmund popped up behind Oliver scaring him in the process.

"Is it Latin for most boring game ever?" He laughed as Oliver glared at him and Susan copying him but not for the same reason. Peter laughed at the two of them before Lucy walked over to Oliver. Can we play hide and seek? She asked and Oliver smiled. But we're already having so much fun though.

Lucy laughed and looked at him again. "Please please please. She asked excited. One, two, three" Oliver started counting and the rest of his siblings ran off as he continued the counting.

Edmund ran into a room and hid behind a curtain. Peter in the same room but behind the other curtain. Lucy tried to get into Edmund's curtain first but he beat her to it.

She huffed and ran off.  Susan found a chest in another room and hid herself in there. Oliver was almost finished counting when Lucy stumbled upon a wardrobe.

She slowly opened the doors and went in before closing them quietly. She tripped further back into the wardrobe before she fell over into snow.

"One hundred" Oliver finished counting and went to find his siblings. He just turned the corner when Lucy came down the hall saying something. "I'm back. I'm back. No need to worry about me." Edmund came out from his hiding spot along with Peter to look at her.

Oliver just watched her very confused. "What are you saying?" Oliver asked her. "I've been gone for hours how come you didn't notice?" She asked confused. Susan came around the corner. "Does this mean I win?"she asked and Oliver shook his head. "I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore." He says and Lucy looks at him sadly.

They all stood in front of a wardrobe. Oliver knocked on the side of the wardrobe as Suan checked the back of it. Peter and Edmund stood with Lucy. ''The only wood here is the back of the wardrobe.'' Susan says coming out of the wardrobe and standing in front of the others with Oliver beside her.

Oliver couldn't help but believe his sister. He always wanted an adventure and now his time was running out. His also knew his youngest sister would never lie this much about something misbelieve. ''I believe her.'' Edmund says and the other look at him weirdly.

''Really?'' Lucy asks hopefully. ''Yeah sure didn't I tell you about the football field in the bathroom cupboard?'' He asked sarcastically with a smirk. ''Ed.'' Peter scolds. Edmund looks slightly frightened from Peter scolding him.

Peter didn't seem to notice but Oliver did though and went to move forward. ''You trying to be dad but you aren't. You're not even the oldest.'' Edmund yells and storms out.

''Well that went well.'' Susan remarked and followed out after her brother. Peter stood there and looked to Lucy. ''One game at a time Lou.'' Peter said and left. Lucy looked back at the wardrobe and Oliver stood behind her.  ''I believe you Lucy.'' Oliver smiled at her and she hugged him. ''Thanks Oli.'' She thanked and they left.

When Oliver went back to his room he found Edmund sitting on his bed. ''Everything alright  Ed?'' Oliver asked with a smile. Edmund looked up at his brother with betrayal and hurt on his face. Oliver sped over to him and kneeled in front of him.

''Edmund what's the matter?'' He asks. ''When were you going to tell us?'' Edmund whispered. ''What are you talking about?'' Oliver started to worry. ''When were you going to tell us you were being drafted?'' Edmund cried.

Tears poured from his eyes as he sobbed. ''Who told you that?'' Oliver asked tears pooling in his eyes also. ''I found the letter from the government when it fell from your pocket this morning.'' Edmund sobbed pulling the letter from his pocket.

Oliver took the letter from him and put it in his own pocket. ''I wasn't going to tell you guys because I didn't want you guys to worry.'' Oliver cried and Edmund launched himself into Oliver's arms and continued to cry.

When the both of them began to calm down Edmund pulled away from Oliver's embrace. ''I need to stop crying. This is the second time since we got here.'' Oliver chuckled wiping his eyes.

''When else did you cry?'' Edmund asked also wiping his eyes. ''I broke down thinking about being drafted last night.'' Oliver looked at his brother. ''You're the only who knows so don't tell the others because I don't want them to worry also.'' Oliver told him and Edmund nodded. ''Don't worry I won't.''

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