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As the beaver's dam came into view the Pevensie's awed. It was small, enough for the two beaver's to live, but big enough for the Pevensie's not to be squished when inside. ''Beaver is that you?'' A voice asked and Oliver immediately recognised it.

''You better not have been with Badger again.'' The voice says and then the person or beaver turns at the people coming in the steps and drops what she's doing. ''By Aslan, Oliver.'' She says and hurry's over to him.

The said boy kneels and catches the now not so young Mrs. Beaver into a hug. ''Hey .'' He says with a laugh. Mrs. Beaver pulls away and sees the rest of the Pevensie's and gasps. ''The prophecy.'' She says and Oliver nods at her in conformation.

''Yes it's finally happening.'' He tells her and his siblings look at him confused. ''Oli what are ye talking about?'' Peter asks confused and Oli looks at the Beavers and sighs.

Once all the siblings bar Edmund sat around the table the two beavers and Oliver began to explain what they were talking about.

'' As Peter and Susan know, I've been to Narnia before, when I was younger. There I met the Beavers when they were still cubs and it had only been a few years since the start of Jadas, the ice witch's, rein so things weren't as extreme as they are now.'' Oli starts his explanation and his siblings look at him like he's an idiot except Lucy.

''When I was here last time I tried to help Aslan as much as possible in stopping the White Witch but alas we failed and I had to return home to our world and began my wait for the prophecy to happen so I could return once more.'' He finishes explaining to his siblings and the other aren't sure what to say.

Mrs. Beaver comes up behind the siblings and offers fish and chips. ''But there is hope dear. Lot's of hope.'' She says and looks to Mr. Beaver as Lucy still looked quite upset. ''There's a lot right more then hope.'' He says and looks around before turning to the siblings. ''Aslan is on the move.'' He whispers loud enough for the children to hear.

Edmund stands from where he's sat. ''Whose Aslan?'' He asks and Oliver realised he never explained to them who Aslan actually was. Beaver just starts laughing but Mrs. Beaver doesn't seeing the others confused faces bar Oli. ''You cheeky little blighter.'' Beaver teases and laughs until Mrs. Beaver hits him on the chest and he stops.

''You don't know do you?'' Beaver asks them and then looks to Oliver who in turn looks away. ''I forgot to tell them okay.'' He tries to defend himself. ''Well we haven't exactly been here very long.'' Peter tells the Beavers.

''Well he's only king of the whole wood. The top geezer. The real king of Narnia.'' Mr. Beaver tells them. Edmund turns and walks back to what Oli assumes is his place on the steps by the door. ''He's been away for a long while.'' Mrs. Beavers says. ''But he's just got back and he's waiting ya at the stone table.'' Mr Beaver continues to explain.

''He's waiting for us?'' Lucy asks confused. ''Your blooming joking. Look the prophecy, Aslan's return, Tumnus arrest, the secret police, it's all happening because of you.'' He tells them. ''Are you blaming us?'' Susan asks and Oliver shakes his head. ''No not blaming thanking you.'' He tells her. ''When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone, sit at Cair Paravel in throne, The evil time will be over and done.'' The oldest Pevensie tells his younger siblings.

''You know that doesn't really rhyme.'' Susan points out and Oliver rolls his eyes. ''Your kinda missing the point.'' Oliver exclaims. ''It has long been foretold that two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve will defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia.'' Mrs. Beaver tells them elated with happiness that the time is here. ''And you think we're the ones? What the sons of Adam? There's three of us?'' Peter asks the Beavers and Beaver sighs.

''That's because Oliver will rule as the True King of Narnia despite what part of the country he's in. And you lot better be it because Aslan's getting your army ready.'' Lucy looks at Susan, Peter and Oliver. ''Our army?'' Lucy asks them.

Susan turns to her two older brothers. ''Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in the war.'' Peter looks conflicted. ''I think you've made a mistake. We're not heroes.'' Susan cuts in. ''We're from Finchley.

The Beavers look at each other exasperated. ''Thank you for your hospitality but we really have to go.'' She says as she stands up. Oliver stands as well knocking over his chair. ''No we're not. You may not see it Susan but Narnia needs us. We were prophesised to help these people and that's I'm going to continue to do if you all want to go back I walk you all to the wardrobe - '' he pauses looking towards the door.

''Where's Edmund?'' He say and bolts out the door into the cold with his siblings following close behind. He runs towards where he sees the light coming from the White Witches Castle and stops at the top of a cliff looking across the ice. ''EDMUND.'' he yells across the ice as he sees the doors to the castle open.

The Beavers and the other siblings run up behind him and the Beaver grabs him. ''You can't Oliver. They'll hear you. Aslan is the only one who can help you now.'' The Beaver says and drags Oliver back and Oliver turns to him. ''Take us to him.''

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