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The siblings raced towards the waterfall where they saw the ice beginning to break off from the structure holding the water beneath it.

"Hurry." Oliver says helping Lucy down the side of the cliff towards the bottom of the ice structure with his other two siblings and the beavers behind him.

They got to the ice river when Oliver looked up and saw the secret police heading for them. "We need to cross now." Oliver says and Peter nods in agreement. "I'll go first. Make sure it's safe." Beaver says and then he steps onto the ice it creaks.

"Have you been taking second helpings Beaver." Mrs. Beaver accuses and Beaver chuckled nervously. "We'll with your cooking dear I never know when it will be my last." He says and Oliver begins to panic.

"Everybody go now. There's no time." He says and everyone steps into the ice. Things happen quickly when suddenly Maugrim grabs Beaver from behind and snatched him a sub they slide across the ice.

Peter and Oliver both draw their swords and Susan starts yelling at them to put them away. "Smart girl. Why don't you listen to her." Maugrim antagonises the boys but Beaver just encourages them.

"Don't worry about me just run them through." He says and then grunts because of the wolf. Oliver hears creaking and looks to see the waterfall about to break.

"Hold onto me." He yells and he plunges his sword into the ice and his siblings all grab him as they are impacted by the crashing of the waterfall sending them forwards.

Oliver uses all of his strength to hold onto the sword and he does it successfully before pulling him and his siblings to shore and the Beavers crawl out next to him.

Oliver holds up what he thinks I'd Lucy but finds the jacket empty. "Lucy." He yells and Susan and Peter look over panicked. "Look what you've done." She screeches at her oldest brother and Peter keeps looking around. "Shut up Susan." Oliver snaps.

"Anyone seen my coat?" The siblings turn around to see Lucy shivering and walking towards them unhurt but cold. Oliver quickly wraps the coat around her shoulders hoping for it to warm her. "Your brother has you well looked after." Mrs. Beaver comments with smile glad to see the girl alright.

"I don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore." Beaver says looking at the snow falling from trees nearby and they start blooming. Narnia was returning to its once beautiful state.

The siblings and the beavers continued to walk when they say red Narnian flags ahead and they knew they were close to the camp. Lucy stops and looking towards the tree petals that formed into a lady and wave at her. Oliver looks to Peter whose already looking at him and the boys give each other a smile enjoying the peace and the company.

They began the trek into camp. They instantly became talk of the camp and word spread quickly. Mrs. Beaver started to fuss over her fur making Beaver smack her hand to make her stop. Once they came up to the biggest tent in the campsite Oliver knew this is where Aslan was.

Oliver drew his sword and held it high. "We've come to see Aslan." His voice booms with authority his siblings didn't know was possible and not a minute later the great lion himself emerged from the tent making Oliver smile. "Your majesty." He boy said as all the Narnians also bowed bar his siblings as they were unsure.

"It's good to see you in Narnia once more Oliver and I hope you continue to come here in the future." Aslan bows his head to the boy who is now standing up straight with a large smile on his face. "Before any of that we need your help." He said taking a step forwards. "It's our brother." Aslan nods.

"Yes the fifth is not with you. Where is he?" Aslan asks them. Susan and Peter look at each other. "It was my fault sir. I was too hard on him." Peter says stepping forward in line with Oliver.

"We all were." Susan says placing a hand on Peter's shoulder for comfort and Oliver nods. "He betrayed them your majesty." Beaver announces making Oliver spin around and face the beaver. Uproar started in camp. "Im this close to turning you into a fir hat." Oliver threatens holding his pointer finger and his thumb very close together to emphasis his point.

"At peace everyone. There will be no fur hats today Oliver. We will find your brother. Do not fret." Aslan assures and beckons for Oliver to follow him while his siblings get settled into camp and head to the river to clean up after the journey.

Oliver and Aslan stood looking out at Cair Paraval. They stood in silence until Aslan spoke. "You've grown since you were last here." Aslan tells him and Oliver laughs. "I've grown so much that when I return home I'm being sent off to war." He says bitterly and Aslan looks at him sadly.

"I'm very sorry to hear that my boy but I hope you can enjoy the time you have here no matter how long it may be before you face such tragedies." Aslan sympathises and Oliver looks at the great lion with a small smile. "Im glad I was able to return." Oliver says falling to his knees and leaning his head against Aslan's who purrs at the jester.

They pull away when a horn sounds in the distance. "The kids." He says and rushes for the river to help them with his sword at his side. He gets there as fast as he can and sees Peter holding onto Lucy in the tree and Susan trying not to get bitten.

Oliver jumps up onto the bank and launches himself at the wolf striking the wolf with a battle cry. He gets one wolf down as the other goes to make a run for it but Aslan traps it under his paw and stops the army.

"This is Oliver's battle. Leave him." He tells them and they watch the scene before then unfold. Oliver holds his sword in front of his face, crouching to be somewhat level with the wolf.

"Drop the sword boy you are no man but you will die a dog." Maugrim says and jumps at the boy who takes the opportunity to drive his sword through the wolf's body killing him.

"Oliver." His siblings yell panicked and jump from the tree and run towards him. Peter helps Oliver push the wolf off his body and the older boy sits up. Lucy and Susan hug him while Peter keeps a steady hand on his back.

Oliver watches as Aslan releases free wolf. "Follow him. He will lead you to Edmund." Orris nods and beacons the small bit of the army to follow him in aid of the raid of the Witch's camp.

Aslan walks over to the siblings and stands before them. "Clean your sword Oliver." Aslan says and the boy nods standing and wiping his sword on the grass to clear it of the blood that stains it.

"I give you Sir Oliver Wolfsbane, knight of Narnia." Alana says and the siblings hug their older brother tightly. Oliver sighed and hugged them all back hoping soon he would have his other brother with them after all this time.

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