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All the flora and fauna flew past as the train continued down the tracks towards the Pevenske children's stop. The five of them stood on the platform as the train passed them and they made theirs way to the end of the platform when they heard a car.

Lucy's hand in Oliver's as he kept an eye on her. The car drove past and the siblings were a small bit confused. "They do know we're coming don't they?" Peter asked looking at Oliver. Edmund looked down at his name tag. "Perhaps we've been labelled wrong." He says making Oliver smile.

"No we haven't been labelled wrong. I'm sure the professor has sent someone for us." Just as Oliver spoke they heard the hooves of a horse coming down the rocky trail.

A woman sat at the front of the cart that was attached to the horses. "Mrs. McCready?" Oliver asks and the woman just looks at them. In quite a judging manner. "Yes it is. Is that all you've brought?" She asks. "Yes ma'am." Oliver replies. "Small favours I guess." She says and the siblings start to climb aboard the horse drawn cart.

After Oliver helped all his siblings on he himself jumped on and they set off towards where the Pevensie siblings will be living for the next 3-4 months.

As they horses stopped in fornt of a mansion all the siblings were amazed. They've never seen such a magnificent building before unless it was a government building or something of the sort.

They unloaded and followed the older woman through the house. She started listing rules that Oliver wasn't listening to until she raised her voice to yell at Susan for trying to touch something. Some artefact or something like that.

The younger siblings giggles as they've never seen their older sister get in trouble like this before so it was a are occurrence. When they were shown their rooms the two girls got a room to share and the three boys got one to share also.

In the boys room there was a double bed and a single bed. Edmund had already jumped onto he single bed claiming it as his while the two older boys sat themselves on the double bed. It was going to be an interesting change of scene that was for sure.

Later that night all the children were dressed in their pyjamas as they were gathered in the girls room with radio playing. It started going on about the bombs so Susan turned it off.

Oliver was standing by the window with Peter looking outside and his gaze often flicking towards his siblings to make sure they were alright. He heard a sniffle come from Lucy's bed and he looked over and began walking in that direction with Peter behind him.

"The sheets are scratchy." She complained to cover her sniffles. Oliver tried his best to tuck her in properly and she sighed. "When do you think we'll be able to go home?" Lucy asked and Oliver looked back to Peter. ''I'm not sure Lou hopefully soon though." He smiled.

"If homes even still there." Edmund said making his other siblings look at him. "Isn't it time you should be in bed?" Susan asked trying to be the boss. Again. "Yes mum." Edmund retaliated and Peter tried to scold him and tell him to leave. "I'll put Edmund to bed." Oliver said leaving the room after kissing his two sisters on the forehead.

When he got back to his room he saw Edmund in the bed also scratching at the sheets. "Lucy was right they are scratchy." Edmund groaned and Oliver laughed. "You'll get used to it. Don't worry about it for now." He said and Edmund smiled.

"How about tomorrow we play some games or go outside or something alright? Something fun." Oliver smiled at his brother remembering what his mother said and spending time with his family. "Yeah I'd like that." Edmund replied finally going to sleep.

Oliver sat on his own bed and looked to his pants across the room where the envelope was hanging from the pocket. He needed to hide that better. Two months seemed like a long time but I'm reality it wasn't and it was beginning to scare Oliver.

So much so that tears began to flow down his cheeks and he started to sob as quietly as he could to not wake his brother. He couldn't remember the last time he cried. He supposes it was the day his father left for the war.

What he didn't expect was for Peter to walk back in and see I'm balling his eyes out. "Oliver what's wrong?" Peter asked concerned and rushes to his brothers side. "I'm sorry Peter. I'm so sorry." He whispered over and over again like a mantra until he slowly fell asleep on his brothers shoulder.

Peter lid him down on the bed and tucked him in best to his ability and slid in beside him. "I'm sorry too Oliver. I don't know what's wrong so I can't help you."

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