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''Wake up! Wake up!'' Oliver woke to the voice of his sister yelling and them jumping on the bed making Oliver groan.

Oliver watched as Edmund and Susan stood at the door. ''What are you talking about Lou?'' The older boys asked. ''I met Mr. Tumnus again.'' Lucy smiled and Oliver and Peter sat up. ''You went back to Narnia.'' Oliver said and Peter looked confused.

''And Edmund was with me.'' Lucy smiled. ''You saw the faun?'' Peter asked their youngest brother. ''Well he wasn't with me he was..What were you doing?'' She asked her brother turning around to look at him.

''I was just playing along. You know little kids they just don't know when to stop pretending.'' He smiled nervously. Lucy ran off with Susan and Peter running after her.

Oliver looked at Edmund before also following. Oliver ran in to see the McCready walking out with Lucy. He turns back to see the professor looking at him. ''What about you Oliver do you believe your sister?'' Professor Kirke asked him.

''Of course I do why wouldn't I?'' He asked the professor and his siblings looked at him weirdly. ''How come?'' The professor was confused. ''I've been there myself that's why.''

The professor made the two others leave while he asked Oliver to stay. ''What do you mean you've been there before?'' Oliver looked to the professor.

''When I was a child maybe eight or nine I was at y grandparents in the country and I found a wardrobe much like the one upstairs. I went to Narnia. By Lucy's description I knew what she was talking about. The forest, the snow, the faun. I've met them all before. I know about the prophecy.'' He said and the professor's eyes widened.

''Very well then go back to your siblings.'' Oliver made his way back up to his room only to find his brothers asleep. He tucked himself into bed thinking back to his own time in Narnia.

The next day the siblings were out on the front lawn playing cricket. Well the older ones were Lucy sat by a tree reading. Peter threw the cricket ball and hit Edmund in the shin.

''Wake up Dolly daydream.'' Oliver laughed and high fived Peter. ''Can we not play hide and seek?'' Edmund wined. ''Thought you said it was a children's game?'' Susan quipped from behind Edmund. Peter threw the ball and Edmund hit it but it went through a window and there was a bang and clashing noise.

All the siblings stood in front of the fallen armour. ''Well done the lot of you.'' Lucy sassed before they heard the click of heels along the corridor. ''The McCready.'' Susan gasped.

''Run.'' Oliver yelled and they all began to run. All the doors were locked until they came upon the last one and they all ran in. Edmund ran and opened the door as Lucy jumped in with Oliver following her. ''You must be joking.'' Susan whined before she was pushed in by Peter.

They all started pushing backwards until Oliver fell into the snow with Peter and Susan next to him. ''No way.'' she gasped. Oliver stood up excited. ''I can't believe I'm back.'' Oliver smiled and jumped in the snow. ''Can you forgive us?'' Peter asked Lucy. Oliver was still frolicking around the snow with such joy.

Peter and Susan stood up. Edmund shot a weird glance at his brother who was still running around the snow like a three year old. ''No but this will.'' Lucy said and  threw a snowball at Peter.

This started a snowball fight between the siblings when Oliver threw one at Susan also. They kept throwing snow until Peter hit Edmund in the arm. ''Oww.'' Edmund whined. ''You liar.'' Peter accused. ''You didn't believe her either.'' Edmund told him. ''Say you're sorry.'' Peter demanded. ''Alright I'm sorry.'' He said to Lucy as Oliver face planted in the snow still with a huge smile on his face.

''We should head back.'' Susan says trying to be 'Logical'. I think Lucy should decide what we do.'' Peter says and the three older siblings look at Lucy while Edmund stands sulking in the corner. ''I would like all of you to meet Mr. Tumnus.'' She says with a big smile on her face.

''We can't go through the snow like this.'' Susan tried to reason. ''I'm sure the professor won't mind us taking these. And if you think about it logically they aren't even leaving the wardrobe.'' Peter says making Susan scoff as he walks out of the wardrobe carrying two coats.

Oliver goes in and sees that there's only two more left and shrugs thinking that he'd be fine. He handed one to Lucy then to Peter after Edmund was done complaining and Susan was putting on hers. ''Where's your coat Oli?'' Lucy asks and his other siblings look at him. ''There was only four coats but ill be fine, don't worry Lou.'' He tells her and Lucy begins to lead them to Mr. Tumnus' house.

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